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Before assigning roles to your team, you first need to make sure that they have a profile in SSO. In this page, we'll look at how to create a profile.


Choose 'Staff' from the grey bar at the top of the page.


Image Added



 Any existing staff will be in a table in this screen.

SSO Co-ordinators will be at the top of the list (including you) and have a blue Info button next to them. Any staff that you've added will be below that and have green buttons next to them.

You can add these new staff members one at a time using the blue Add New button, or upload a spreadsheet if you've got quite a few to add. 

The information you need is pretty easy:

  • StaffCode (must have): Co-ordinators must have their email address. For the sake of consistency, we recommend using email addresses for all staff members using SSO.

  • StaffName (must have): First and last name, all as one entry

  • StaffEmail (must have): The unique email address for the staff member

  • StaffPIN (can have): If you want to assign a PIN or password you can, but it's easy enough for them to set their own when they get the email from SSO.

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When you're ready for a staff member to have access to SSO, click the  Image Modified  button, and SSO will email the staff member, with the option for them to set their own PIN/Password. You may want to hold off on this bit until such time as you've uploaded results and made sure the staff are correctly assigned.
If you need to change details, click the  Image Modified  button, and a modal will open for you to amend then save the details.
To delete a staff member from SSO, click the checkbox/es on the left of the profiles you need to delete, then click the Delete button that appears at the top right of the table. 
Image Modified
Co-ordinators, who have the  Image Modified  button, are administered by the SSO support team - call or email if you need to change these details.