Versions Compared


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In this page, we'll look at how SSO pairs pre-requisite formulae formulas with results.

The Basics

SSO looks at information that at the information you've uploaded or entered in other screens, and then makes a determination what a student is able to choose freely. 

In Selection Matrix: SSO is looking at the PreReqFormula column, to see what results are required for each selection.

In Selection Process: SSO checks the settings you have for each Instruction, to determine how to handle if a student doesn't have the required pre-requisites.

In Students: SSO is determines which student should be able to choose each Selection with a Pre-requisite.

In Results: SSO checks what results each StudentCode has linked to it.

In Tick/Flick: SSO takes into account any changes to eligibility for a student to choose a selection, based on Overrides made by staff members with access.

In terms of matching data, and barring any overrides made by staff members, here are the three basic examples of how the process works:

The Student has met the requirement in the PreReqFormula of >=B on English in Year 10

The Student has not met both of the requirementrequirements in the PreReqFormula of:

  • >=B in English in Year 10; &

  • >=80 in English exam in Year 10

The Student has met one of the requirements in the PreReqFormula of:

  • >=B in English in Year 10

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Acceptable Entries for PreReqFormula

Pre-requisites needs need to be turned into a formulaic representation so that SSO is able to determine which Selections to offer a student eligibility to choose which Selections.based on their eligibility.
Below are some samples of different formats that would be acceptable, and what they each mean. In some cases, these have been colour-coded - this is only to represent one required result. Colour-coding is not required for uploading into SSO.


What it means


The student must have previously studied MATHSPEC, and the result is not required/considered This might be used to indicate the student must have previously studied Mathematics Specialist


Requires that a stuent has studied 10ENGE with a mark greater than or equal to 50. This might be used if a student

needs 50%

needs to have achieved 50% or higher in their Year 10 English Exam


Requires that a student has studied 10SCI with a B or higher result. This might be used if an overall grade of B or higher is required in Year 10 Science


Same as above, but greater than C

10DAN or 10DRA


Student previously studied either 10DAN or 10DRA. This might be used if either Year 10 Dance or Year 10 Drama qualifies.

10VAR=A and 10MUS>=B

Requires exactly an A result in10VAR and B or higher result in 10MUS. This might be used if both Year 10 Visual Arts and Year 10 Music are both required.

10GEO>=B+ and (10PE or 10CHI>=50)

B+ or better result in 10GEO, and completion of 10PE


 or minimum of 50 in 10CHI are required. This might be used if Year10 Geography,

plus either Year 10 PE or Year

plus either Year 10 PE or Year 10 Chinese are required.

Not 10AVA

Completion of 10AVA


prevents the student from choosing this selection. This might be used if a student who has studied Year 10 Aviation cannot choose a selection.