Info |
This page explains the FrontOfficeFront Office/Administration part of the two-part process of fully recording a students student's late arrival at school. Care also Also refer to: Entering a Early Departure (Class Room Classroom Teacher/Class Roll) |
Inevitably students will, from time to time, need to leave class/school early. Their early departure from school and to their scheduled class both need to be recorded to fully capture accurate
attendenceattendance data for this event.
To enter
a late arrivalan Early Departure at the front office/reception:
Go to:
Students Profile > Attendance > Arrivals/Departures
New ArrivalDeparture
Complete the necessary data fields and Save.
Explanation of Data Fields
Field | Description |
Date/Time | Record the date and time of student |
departing school. | |
Reason | Explanation given for |
early departure | |
Notes | Any additional information you would like to record |
Categories | Select from the absence categories set up and approved by your school/department. |
Arrival is school approved | Click this box to mark the absence as School Approved, |
meaning the absence will not count towards any government attendance calculations. E.g. a student was |
attending an off site event representing the school and whilst they were not |
physically at school during this time the absence will not affect their government attendance results. |
Note |
To ensure all Early Departure attendance records are fully accurate it is essential both the Front Office/Adminstration Administration and Classroom Teacher/Roll components are fully completed. |