Instructions are where the bulk of your text should go - use the space to add important information, images, and links. It's also where you add the settings of how many selections you want from the Selections that you link to it.
Instructions are linked to the Section they are created within. To add a Instruction, you need to click the dropdown arrow on the right of the Section you want to put it into.
Note that you don't have to have the Section highlighted in blue to choose the dropdown.
When the Section is contracted, the point will be on the left.
When the Section is expanded, the point will be on the bottom.
Only one section can be expanded at any given time.
Once you've expanded the Section, you'll see any Instructions that already exist within that Section.
Click the green 'Add Instruction'.
If you don't already have any Instructions linked to the Section, the button will be at the top.
A modal will appear when you click the Add Instruction button, asking you to give the Instruction a Report Name.
As with a Section, this will appear on reports, as well assisting with navigating throughout SSO.
It's ok to use the same Report Name more than once and will certainly be the case if you're setting up pathways where the Instructions are the same from one to the next, but with different criteria applied.
You'll notice that all the formatting options available in a Section are available an Instruction, but there also additional texting functions available.
This is because the bulk of your text information should at Instruction level, not Section level.
Below is an outline of formatting functionality at Instruction level
Setting | Purpose |
Report Name | is what the Instruction will be referred to in reports and navigation through SSO |
Function | allows the Instruction to be configured for Parent PIN, Appointments, or to Display Results (leave it as Normal for regular use) |
Selection method | is how students will input their responses |
Radio | is where only one entry is permitted |
Checkbox | allows more than one entry (good for a short list) |
Dropdown | allows more than one entry (good for a long list) Text field is also an option, but set up differently (more information in the Selections information below) |
Set number of selections for this instruction | is where you set minimums and maximums that correlate directly with the text requirements you've written regarding the number of choices required (note that Radio input means no maximum is required by its nature) |
Apply a selection weighting count for this instruction | is where you set minimums and maximums that correlate directly with the text requirements you've written regarding the unit count required |
If the student does not have the pre-requisites for selections in this instruction | determines what button they will see for a selection they don't have the required results for: |
Don't show the selection | will disappear it |
Show the selection as unavailable | will show a red circle / square and not permit selection |
Allow override request | will show a yellow circle / square and allows students to request permission to choose a Selection |
Show selections in preference order | will allow students to move selections up and down within Selections that have been chosen |
Exclude fees in this instruction for payment | will not include Course Costs in the Payment Report or Payment Gateway (handy for reserve choices) |
Ignore pre-requisites for this instruction | if you're feeling generous |
Where multiple selections are required, set them out | will allow Selections to be tiled across the screen (for 'Horizontally'), rather than the standard vertical list |
This tab will allow you to change the order that the Instructions appear within the Section. As with reordering Sections, this option is only available where there are no Selections in place.
You can't reorder to another Section - it has to be contained in the one you have.
To change the order of Instructions, click 'Re-Order', then arrows will appear on the left of the Instructions for that Section, in the Navigation pane.
Drag and drop into the required location, then click Save on the right.
This will take the Instruction as well as any Selections linked to it, and move it into the new location.
As you drag the Instruction up and down amongst the other Instructions, it will show a blue outline of where you can drop it in.
Remember to click Save once you have it in the right location.
This function can be used to delete an Instruction, as well as any attached Selections.
The Selections will remain in the Selection Matrix, and in any other locations that they appear in.
You can't delete an Instruction, if there are any Selections that have already been chosen by students (even if they're just test students).
Only you the Delete option if you definitely want to get rid of an Instruction, as the Delete action cannot be reversed.