In this page, we'll look at what can be recorded against manual overrides of prerequisites in SSO, and how it can be viewed.
Students' eligibility to choose a certain selection can be viewed in Tick/Flick - an area in Checklist.
The first two options will allow you to search for a student or a selection (these screens are very similar, so only one is shown below). Use these first two options to make changes to eligibility for students to choose Selections. Changes made from either of these two options will not send notifications to students.
Course Counsellors and HoLAs have access to this screen as well, but they are only able to see students who are assigned to them (Course Counsellors), or Selections assigned to them (HoLAs).
The 'Required' column shows the formula for each Selection. Components in green have been met in the students' results, red ones have not. In the 'Override' column, green indicates that the student is able to choose the selection, and red means they can't.
A few different things to note with the example above:
Workplace Learning has no prerequisites, and as such, is available to the student.
The student has met part of the prerequisite for Chemistry (ATAR), but not all of it. The student will not be able to choose this selection.
The student will not be able to select Maths Applications (ATAR), as they do not have any result uploaded for the course 10MAT.
The third option available is where any override requests from students will appear. This area becomes active once students have started logging in, making selections, and requesting permission to choose selections they don't have the required results for.
This contains the result required for the Selection in the 'Pre-Req' column, and a tick (to approve) and cross (to decline) in the 'Override' column. If the tick is green, the selection has been approved. If the cross is red, it means it has been declined.
It may be decided that a student should be able to choose a Selection that they haven't met eligibility for (perhaps because they were very close to the required result), or that they should not be able to choose a Selection (perhaps because it is a trigger for a selection pathway not appropriate for the student). In any case Tick/Flick is the appropriate place to change these types of situations. Overriding eligibility can be done by any Co-Ordinator, the HoLA for the specific Selection, or a Whole Year Level Access HoLA.
Before students have logged in
In the first two options (By Student and By Selection), student eligibility for a selection can be changed by moving the switch to the opposite side, in the Override column. Before this change is completed, SSO will give the person completing the change an opportunity for them to enter the reason the change has been made. The staff member making the decision doesn't have to leave notes, but SSO will still record who made the change for audit purposes. Once the Override and Save Notes button is pressed, the switch will change colour, and will have a tick or cross in it - this shows it has been manually changed. Students will not get a notification when using these two options.
Responding to a student's request for permission to make a Selection
The third of the three options is dedicated to responding to students' requests for selections. The HoLA assigned to a Selection will get an email when a student requests permission to be able to choose a selection, and the instructions in the email will direct them to this option.
After considering the request, the staff member who is making the decision can click on the tick to approve the request, or the cross to decline it. This is different to the first two options - the student has asked a question, and should therefore receive a response.
Clicking on the tick or cross will open two modals, one after the other. The first of these is the Internal Notes - these are not sent to the student. The second is the External Notes - these will accompany the email that advises the decision on the request. Once the Override and Save Notes button is pressed for both of these, the email is sent to the student, and the notes are recorded in SSO.
When a decision is changed
If a decision is made in SSO, it can be changed to the other alternative. The process is exactly the same as it was to make the decision in the first place. Hover over the speech bubbles to see internal notes or over the up then right arrow for notes sent to the student, about the decision that has been made. These icons are colour-coded based on if the most recent change was to approve (green) or decline (red). If a decision is changed, only the most recent entry will display on the screen. The text that shows will be the decision maker's profile at the top, and their notes text direct under.
Extracting Tick/Flick information
Co-ordinators can extract a list of all Tick/Flick transactions that are made. To access this, go to Checklist > (Select a Year Level) > Extract > Extracts > Tick/Flick
Here's a few rows of sample data that would come out:
Row 2: Shows override made by a staff member. The student would not have been notified in this instance, as it was approved using 'By Student'
Row 3: Shows override made by a staff member. The student would not have been notified in this instance, as it was declined using 'By Student'
Row 4: Shows a request made by a student, that is still awaiting a response. The date the student requested it will disappear, and will be replaced by a date/time in DecisionMade, once it has been actioned by a staff member.
Row 5: Shows a request made by a student, that was declined. The notes to the student show what the student would have received in the email advising of the outcome.
Rows 6 & 7: Shows a request made by a student that was originally declined, then approved. The most recent decision is on the top.