Before you create an academic report, check the following:

  • Ensure that all subjects and outcomes that are to be included in the report are set up correctly under Subject Management (see Subject Management). You can make individual adjustments after you create an academic report, however, this may require a re-configuration of the academic report.

  • If you use the Work Flow function for your academic report, ensure the correct steps have been set up before you create an academic report (see Creating a workflow for academic reporting).

To create an academic report:

  1. Go to Menu > Curriculum Management > Academic Reporting > Create Academic Report. The New Academic Report screen opens.

  2. Enter the data for all three sections (DetailsWork Flows and Academic Levels)

  3. Click Save to save your basic report settings.

Description of the different fields:



Details section

Name (required)

Add a defining name for the academic report.

School (required)

Select the school for which you would like to create an academic report.


Select the campus for which you would like to create an academic report.

Year (required)

Select an academic year.


Select the semester the academic report should relate to.


Select the term the academic report should relate to.


Add a description of the academic report.
The description will be displayed next to the academic report name when you search for academic reports.

Work Flows section

Select the pre-defined work flow steps applicable to your specific academic report. See Creating a workflow for academic reporting for more information.

Academic Levels section

Select the academic levels to be included in the academic report.

Once you have selected the academic levels that are to be included and saved the report, you can further configure your academic report (see Creating an Academic Report).

Watch an Overview Video