Attendance Marking

This page outlines how easy it is to mark attendance using the Educonnex mobile app, on or off line.


Attendance Marking

1. Accessing the Roll

In your Calendar Items, select the class you wish to mark




2. Roll Details


This will show you further details of the class, such as where it's located and the staff member assigned to it. Click on ‘Mark Attendance' to access the roll marking screen.



3. Marking the Roll.

The rolls Status appears in the top right of the screen.

You will have the option to swipe left on a student for Absent or to swipe right for Present.

As an alternative, you can mark all students Present or Absent, and update any individual student's attendance status by exception.



4. Submitting the Roll.


Once you have correctly marked attendance click Submit in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.
















IF you are connected to the internet at the time of marking you will receive this banner at the top of the screen.




IF you are not connected, you will receive the following message:

If everything is correct, select Yes and the attendance will automatically submit once device reconnects to the internet.







Also refer to the general Attendance information page.