**SIS/Integris (DoE W.A.)

**SIS/Integris (DoE W.A.)

This page provides instructions for WA Dept. of Education schools on how to extract the data required by PTO from your school’s administration system.

Read these instructions for SIS:


These instructions are provided as a form of assistance based on information provided to us by the by WA Dept. of Education ICT Customer Service Centre and was up to date as at April 2020. This information is not intended to replace your normal Support Documentation, rather it is designed to supplement it.


Any school unable to access this data extraction file should direct their enquiries to the WA Dept. of Education ICT Customer Service Centre on (08) 9264 5555 and request that the job is forwarded to the Reporting to Parents Team.

Schools without a terminal server on site should contact PTO Support on 02 4304 3000 for guidance on how to use the SiS Send Letter to Parent extract to compile their PTO data.







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