This page is about how to enable the function to cask parents to add/update their email address/es
Go to: Settings
To enable the setting that requests parents to add/update their email address:
1. Click ‘Parent Settings’ to expand the section
2. In the Collect/Check Parent Emails sub-section,
a. Choose to collect up to 1 email address
b. Choose to collect up to 2 email addresses
3. Click the tick in this sub-section to save your changes
Once saved, parents will see a screen similar to the following, after they log in, but before they make bookings.
Go to: Downloads > Reports > Go To Search & Extract
To retrieve new or updated email address data:
1. Select ‘Parent list’ from the Report dropdown
2. Click to expand Advanced Filters
3. Select ‘Only show parents with new/update email address(es)’
4. Click ‘Search’ to activate the report
5. Click Excel to export the data as a spreadsheet