This page contains the updates made with the latest version of SSO. For more detailed information, view the information in each subsection of the help documentation.
- Student Tallies In the Monitor page, you're now able to see some very basic statistics about the progress of students' selection progress.
Click here for more information on Student Tallies. - Appointments You can now set times for students to book in for appointments. As a whole-school setting, this can be either for the allocated Course Counsellor, or can be set based on the number of staff available at the booked time.
Click here for more information on Appointments. - Displaying Results This function has been built specifically for BCE. It allows student result data to be uploaded and displayed, without impacting prerequisite-based selection eligibility.
Click here for more information on Displaying Results. - Copying All or Part of a Selection Process Structure SSO will now allow the copy the structure of a Year Level, Section, or Instruction. Selections and associated rules can be added after the copy is completed. Click here for more information on Copying the Structure of a Selection Process.
- Reminder to Save in Selection Process If you navigate away from something without saving your changes in the Selection Process, you'll get a reminder to do so.
Click here for more information on Reminders to Save in Selection Process. - Whole Year Level Access for Staff Roles Home Teacher, Course Counsellor, and HoLA roles can now have access to the whole Year Level if required.
Click here for more information on Whole Year Level Access for Staff Roles. - Barcode Report Changes Modifications have been made to the sorting options of barcode reports, and neater gridding of barcodes (this report is only required by WA schools using SIS).
Click here for more information on Barcode Reports. - Payment Reconciliation for Integrated BPoint View a list of transactions made by students/parents using BPoint that has been integrated into. Click here for more information on BPoint - Collecting Payments in SSO.
- Capacity Rule Validation SSO will now make sure you have filled in all required information to create a valid capacity rule, before letting you save.
Click here for more information on Capacity Limits. - Approve/Decline Reason Notes for Tick/Flick Staff are now able to leave a note in conjunction with their Tick/Flick decisions. This also includes a record of who made the decision, as well as an extract of earlier decisions that precede the most current one displaying in SSO.
Click here for more information about Approve/Decline Reason Notes for Tick/Flick. - Grouped Selections Where choosing any one of a group of selections should automatically select all others in the group, a new function has been set up in the Selection Settings to allow for this. This functionality is separate to the one-way automatic selection function in SSO. Click here for more information on Group Selections.
- Export Monitor Page Data to Spreadsheet SSO will now allow you to extract the information about student selection progress from the Monitor area.
Click here for more information on Export Monitor Page Data to Spreadsheet. - Search Field in Add From Selection Matrix A search field has been added into 'Add from Selection Matrix' so that you can filter down to a specific code/name, or all codes that contain a string of characters. Click here for more information on adding Selections.
- Notifications in Student Experience Students can now view the notifications generated, such as when requests are approved or declined, a selection is collapsed through SSO by a Co-ordinator, or an appointment is cancelled by a staff member.
Click here for more information about Notifications in Student Experience. - Connections Linked to a Selection See the relationship of a selection to other selections (such as automatic, disallowed, and group selections), capacity rule, and any sections triggered by a student choosing that selection.
Click here for more information about Connections Linked to a Selection.
Enterprise Interface This is a new interface for large organisations who need to have an overview of multiple sites, deploy selection process templates, and extract big data. Additional fees and eligibility criteria apply for this functionality.