This page is about removing a teacher from a class that they are incorrectly linked to, without affecting any other classes that they are correctly linked to.
Alternatively, teachers can be deleted entirely from the system if unneeded. Refer to Remove a Teacher from PTO for further information.
Go to: Data > View and edit data
To remove a student from a class:
1. Click the radio button ‘Class/Teacher’ near the top of the page
2. Select the teacher who needs to be unlinked in the right column
a. You can use the search box at the top of the column to filter down to their name
3. Click 'Show classes of teacher' - these will then display in the left column
4. Click the class you wish the teacher to be unlinked from
5. Click ‘UnLink selected class and teacher'
6. Refer to the confirmation message on the screen for further information