The access to certain PTO administration pages can be controlled for each administrator.
This page is about how to edit the access permissions for a PTO administrator.
Only the main administrator can add/edit other administrators. If you cannot see the Admin Team page, this is because you are not listed as the main administrator in PTO.
Go to: Admin Team
To edit permissions for a PTO administrator:
1. Click the edit icon next to the profile, if the profile is not already opened
2. The series of boxes each represent a page of PTO
Hover over each icon to see what access the user has on that page.
3. Click on these to change permissions
A green outlined box means view/edit permissions
A blue box means view only permissions
A red box means the user cannot access the page
Changing the icon of a key means the user will be unable to log in.
The Reports & Extracts page can only be "view only" or "inaccessible".
Dashboard cannot be made inaccessible as this is the landing page when logging in to PTO. It can, however, be made view only.
The User Help page cannot be made view only.
4. Click the green tick next to the user's name to save changes