Booking statistics can assist in identifying booking trends within your school community.
This page is about how to access statistics for an event booked in PTO.
Go to: Dashboard
To access booking statistics:
1. In ‘What’s Happening’, click ‘Go to Statistics’
2. Select one of the 4 options at the top of the page
A summary of what each of these contain is listed below:
Overview | Tally information about:
| |
Booking Rates | Graphed data representing:
| |
Teacher Bookings | Numeric and bar graph information for each teacher, showing the distribution of their time slots as:
Use the ‘Date’ dropdown in the top right corner to view data for a specific date (where there is more than one date for the event) | |
Time Slot Bookings | Numeric and bar graph information for each time slot, showing the distribution of availability as:
Use the ‘Date’ dropdown in the top right corner to view data for a specific date (where there is more than one date for the event) |
4. Numeric data can be extracted in to a spreadsheet, by choosing:
Extract all to Excel - To get each of the above statistics into one spreadsheet
Extract Selected to Excel - Extract the information for the page being displayed