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The information below is based on parents making one booking to see one member of staff, regarding one prospective student.

How to begin

Compile a spreadsheet of existing applicant parents and students.

  • Each row should represent one applicant student

  • Each prospective student and their parent’s should be on the same row

  • Include the email address of the parent/s

  • Only create one set of parent details for a couple, if they are required to attend the same interview

  • The first name and surname format for regular parent teacher interview data should be followed:

Single parent

Couple that book together

Separate bookings for each parent

  • Codes can be omitted in this case, as there should be minimal issues with duplicate names for smaller events

  • Add as many applicants as you have at the time - additional ones can be added later within PTO

Complete the class and teacher information

  • Populate the CGN column with any number between 0-13

  • All rows of data should have the same CGN value

  • Put what the parents are booking for in the CLS column

  • All rows of data should have the same CLS value

  • Fill in the TFN and TSN with the name of the staff member

  • The details of the staff name can be anonymised using the same format

  • All rows of data should have the same TFN and TSN value

Rename the sheet with the information to PTO

Upload the data into PTO as normal.

If new applications require interviews after this, they can be added directly in PTO.

  • Add the student

  • Add the parent

  • Link the student and parent

  • Link the student and class

Assumptions for this set up

  • There is only one interview required per parent/couple, per application

  • All interviews will be the same duration, and available at the same times

  • Applicants will all be booking to see the same staff member

  • No labels