In this page, we'll look at how to generate easy-to-read information about the selections made by students.
How the screen works
Go to: Checklist > Year X > Extract > Quickview
The extracts for timetabling software are designed to feed into timetabling software, which in turn, will generate the Selection information into something that you can more easily view.
As the Timetabling Extracts don't have a lot of heuristic value in their presentation, this is where Quickview Extracts can help you to understand the data in a more digestible way, that lines up directly with how your Selection Process is set up.
The items outlined in orange are filters that will allow you to choose what data you're viewing (more on this further down).
The items outlined in pink are additional fields you can add to your data.
The lower half of this page shows the Sections names on the left, and the number of Selections made within that Section on the right.
If you click the '+' icon next to one of the Sections, it will expand it out to show any Instructions within the Section. When you do, the number of Selections will disappear on the Section row, and will disperse to the lowest level being displayed.
In this case, it would be the Instructions.
You can keep expanding by clicking the '+' icon next to an Instruction, which will show the Selections in it, and will break down the tally to the lowest level for chain, which would be the Selections.
And this continues one more step, to show which Students have chosen the Selection in that location.
You can drill down many times as you need for your purposes. Once you have a couple of areas expanded you'll see the pattern of how they line up.
Practical Applications
When working with big data in SSO, it's not always best to work with it through SSO directly. You can choose the level of detail that you need to view, then click 'Export as displayed' to generate a .xlsx file. Once in the spreadsheet, you can remove any rows that you aren't interested in.
Getting class numbers for one of your Courses
Change the filter in the top left of the page to 'All instances of a selection', then choose the Selection you're interested in from the dropdown that will appear. This will only show you the parts of the Selection Process where the Course Code occurs. It should look like the diagram above. Expand out using the + icon only as far as you being able to see the names of the Selections (if you see Student Names, you've gone too far). If your Selections include Instructions dedicated to Reserves, it is probably best to leave these Instructions collapsed.Getting class numbers for all Selections
Much the same as the point above, except at the top of the page, have the 'All selections for this year level' filter selected.Seeing what a Student has selected
Change the filter option at the top to 'All selections for a Student' and click Expand All at the top of the page. This will show you all of the Selections that the Student has made, in the specific parts of the Selection Process.
When you've exported the information to Excel, it will cascade the information based on what you have expanded and what you have collapsed in SSO.
You can delete whole rows of information that you aren't interested in.
If you've expanded everything, it will look like this example.
If you've only expanded out as far as the Instructions (which is best for getting numbers in classes), it will look like sample below. Remember that the same course may be available in more than one instance in the selection process.
If you're searching for one student's selections, it will be presented in a format like this: