Uploading Data into Booked

Uploading Data into Booked

Data can be imported into Booked using one of three methods: the Wonde integration platform, a Spreadsheet, or by reusing data from a Past Event.

This page is about how to put your parent, student, class and teacher information into Booked.

To link a Wonde subscription, which cost your school nothing, to Booked to enable you to pull data from your administration system directly to Booked , or into a spreadsheet, please contact Booked Support.

Go to: Data > Upload data

To upload data into Booked, use one of the following three options:

Option 1 - Wonde Data Transfer

1. Click Continue to Wonde data transfer

For more information on using the free Wonde integration tool please use the below link.

Extracting data for Booked | Data-Transfer


2. Choose whether you want utilise your admin system identifiers or Wonde created identifiers (eg. student code etc.)


3. Choose how many parents for each student to include in the data. These are determined by their Wonde priority.


4. Select the field name to be utilised by Wonde for the Student Sort Code (SSC).


5. Choose whether you wish to import All Classes or data from a Specific Group.


6. If ‘All classes’ was selected in point 5, proceed to point 7. Refer to the items below if ‘Specific Groups’ was selected


a. Choose the group type from the dropdown.

b. Select the required members Groups, by clicking the checkbox/es

c. Click ‘Add Selected’ to include the selected groups in the data for Booked.
This will add the selected groups on the right of the page in a table.

d. If there are Groups in another Group Type to add, repeat from point 5a for the additional groups that belong to different types.

7. Select Next to validate your data and transfer the data from your admin system directly into Booked via Wonde,


Select Download to Excel if you wish to download the selected data into a spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet option allows you to review and adjust the data configuration for a special event. The reconfigured information can be uploaded utilising Option 2 (Upload Spreadsheet) on the ‘Upload Data’ page.



8. Booked will validate the data.

If there are any items that need to be Fixed, correct the errors in your admin system, or download to Excel make the necessary adjustments and re upload it.

If there are any items needing Review, you can still proceed, but take note of the issues so that they can be corrected afterwards, if required.


It is important you review any issues Booked raises and consider what Booked is telling you regarding each issue, as these issues have the potential to interfere with the smooth running of your planned event.



9. When all issues are Fixed, and any remaining Review items are deemed in order (or will be reviewed post data upload) you should check the Tick Box acknowledging the remaining review item still exists.

Take advantage of the option of emailing yourself a copy of the remaining Review items for future reference if required.

Once the Check Box is ticked (if visible at all), the green Next button will be enabled, and it can be selected to populate your data into Booked.

10 . Your upload will be confirmed, and the results of the uploaded students and grades displayed.


From here, you can either click:

Go To View and Edit data.


Go to Checklist, to review the next task on your Checklist


Option 2 - Upload Spreadsheet

For information on extracting your data from your student management system, refer to Extracting data for Booked.

1. Click Continue to Upload spreadsheet



2. Click Choose File or Drag and Drop your Excel data file in the box

3. Then click the green Upload file to Booked button and Booked will check the file to ensure:

  • the file is in the required .xlsx or xlsm Excel formats; and

  • that all data is contained on the first spreadsheet sheet/tab and that sheet/tab is named Booked.




4. When you are ready to proceed, click Next.




5. Booked will then validate your data.

If there are any items that need to be Fixed, correct the errors in your admin system, or by downloading to Excel and making the necessary adjustments.

If there are any items needing Review, you can still proceed, but take note of the issues so that they can be corrected afterwards, if required.


It is important you review any issues Booked raises and consider what Booked is communicating to you regarding each issue, as these issues have the potential to interfere with the smooth running of your planned event.



6. When all issues are Fixed, and any remaining Review items are deemed in order (or will be reviewed post data upload) you should check the Tick Box acknowledging the remaining review items still exist.

Take advantage of the option of emailing yourself a copy of the remaining Review items for future reference if required.

Once the Check Box is ticked (if visible at all), the green Next button will again be enabled, and it can be selected to populate your data into Booked.


7. Your upload will be confirmed, and the results of the uploaded students and grades displayed.


From here, you can either click:

Go To View and Edit data.


Go to Checklist, to review the next task on your Checklist


Option 3 - Past Event

1. for Option 3, click Continue to Previous Event


2. Select your desired Past Event data from the drop-down list

It is important to remember any changes in your actual school Admin System data will not reflect in this reused data. However, once reloaded manual editing of this data can be undertaken.


3. Next click the Check Box to acknowledge the date of your requested Past Event data is correct, and you understand that:

  • The process will reuse the parent, student, class, and teacher data from a previously archived event.

  • Any changes since the last event data was created that are required will need to be made one at a time by the school's Booked administration team with Booked .

  • Additional data cannot be uploaded in bulk.


4 . Your upload will be confirmed, and the results of the uploaded students and grades displayed.


From here, you can either click:

Go To View and Edit data.


Go to Checklist, to review the next task on your Checklist


For general information about preparing the data in spreadsheet format, refer to Standard Event Spreadsheet Layout.

For general information about preparing the data in spreadsheet format, refer to Setting Up Booked for Different Types of Events

For specific information about extracting data from your school’s chosen administration system, refer to Extracting data from individual school administration systems

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