Create a New Class

Create a New Class

This page is about creating a class in Booked manually, where the class wasn't included in the initial data upload.  

If there is another class that already has the same students, it's quicker to copy the class. See related article: Copy an existing Class

If you want to add a class for all students in a year level, see related article: Create a class containing all students of one grade


Go to Data > View and edit data

To create a brand-new class from scratch:

1. Select the ‘Student/Class’ radio button near the top of the page.

2. Click ‘Add new’ on the Classes side of the page

3. Enter the class details

The Class Code field is optional. If used, it should contain a unique identifier for this class.

The Multiple bookings field is optional. If entered, it will allow that number bookings for the class, for every time slot where the class can be booked. For more information, read Set Multiple Bookings for a Class

4. Select the Save icon.



5. Link the teacher/s and students to the class

For information on linking a teacher to a class, go to Add a Teacher and Link to a Class

For more information on linking a student to a class, go to Add a Student to a Class



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