Release Notes for PTO V2.2 (April 2021)
A quick and easy option to pay your subscription at renewal
More options, and less paperwork
It is now simplier and easier to carryout your annual subscription renewal with the new option of paying by credit card at the time of renewal to save you time and reduce paperwork.
Only available for schools serviced by our Asia Pacific office.
Three easy steps:
Step 1.
Select a subscription option
Step 2.
Provide your invoicing details
Step 3.
Select to pay online by credit card immediately, or request an invoice
More options, and less paperwork
Initially only Wonde’s prepopulated participant ID could be utilised when importing data using the Wonde integration. Now it is your choice!
Now simply use the drop down box on the Wonde download page to choose the event component codes you wish to utilise.
Functionality to assist you manage complex events
We are making access to Class and Student Filters available (upon request) to schools who have timeslot requirements that transend standard grade level timeslot structure needs.
Class Filters
As the name suggests Class Filters limit access to certain time slots to certain classes.
The filter is applied both the the class via an optional PTO column called CTSF (Class Time Slot Filter), or within PTO by editing a Class' details and adding the filter.
It is important to remember if you use this functionality all classes in the event must have a Class Filter.
Once applied a Class Filter would appear as shown here.
By applying this filter to these time slots the time slots are only available to class 10A.
A wide range of filters can be employed to manage time slots for your event.
Care needs to be taken that the filter added to the class is identical to the filter applied to the time slot. To avoid errors we suggest copying and pasting wherever possible.
Student Filters
Like Class Filters, Student Filters limit access to certain time slots to certain students.
The filter is applied both the the student via an optional PTO column called STSO, or within PTO by editing a Student’s details and adding the filter.
Once applied a Student Filter would appear as shown here.
General Service Improvements
We have implemented improvements to address Server Error messages being received by a limited number of uses.