**Parent communication about your upcoming PTO event
This page provides you with access to a parent communication template to assist you communicate details of an upcoming PTO event to your parents.
All EQ schools please refer to the custom EQ Parent Self Registration Process instructions, as well as the general Parent Communication instructions below.
- Self-Registration Instructions for Parents (EQ schools only)
PTO Parent Communications
Naturally, it is important you inform your parents about your upcoming PTO especially when it the first time you are using PTO.
You should include information about any special arrangements such as when you plan to open for parents to coimmemce booking, meeting locations, and the booking cut off arrangments you have established.
This Word template document will be of assistrance and explains what you may wish to tailor to your schools event settings.
Download this parent communication template
to assist you construct your parent communication.
Click the link above to preview this file & then download it by select the download button (top right of screen)
Using a mail merge to distribute parent communications regarding your upcoming event.
You can extract Parent information including their PTO login details via:
Downloads > Search and Extract > Parent List (select from drop down box)
Select Display All Rows then "Search".
Using the list extracted you can do your own mail merge (or email merge) if you provided Parent email addresses in your data to PTO.
Remember parents can access PTO via any internet connected device, including phones and tablets.
Parents should be encouraged to download the free PTO app as it will make use of PTO easier if they are using a mobile phone.
Our experience is that around 50% of parents access PTO using a mobile phone, so promoting the PTO App will make for a better parent PRO experience.
All the parent needs to do is download the app and enter your school’s unique code which is located on your PTO Dashboard page.