**Timeslot availability calculation modes
There are two modes:
Mode | What it means |
Standard Teacher Timeslot Availability This is the default for all schools unless requested | If a Teacher is marked as unavailable for a time slot, any other time slots that occur wholly or partially at the same time for the same teacher will also be made unavailable. For example: There are three time slots for a teacher on 1st January, 2040, all starting at 6:00pm:
Specific Teacher Timeslot Availability Please note this functionality is not available unless requested by a school from the Educonnex Support Team, who can arrange access for an event if needed. To send a request to have this functionality enabled please use the Support Email link on your PTO Dashboard page. | If a Teacher is marked as unavailable for a time slot, any other time slots that occur wholly or partially at the same time for the same teacher will still be available to be booked.
For example: There are three time slots for a teacher on 1st January, 2040, all starting at 6:00pm:
How the two modes work
These two worked examples explain how both modes work with standard mode making all timeslots for the teacher , across the whole event unavailable.
Whereas, when Timeslot Specific Availability is employed, availability can be customised to provide greater flexibility in regard to which timeslots are, and aren’t, available.
Timeslot Availability Legend
Standard Timeslot Availability Mode
When the teacher is unavailable between 1.00pm & 3.00pm this unavailability applies across the entire event.
Timeslot Specific Availability Mode
Even though the teacher is unavailable between 1.00pm and 3.00pm in on block of timeslots, they are available for those timeslots in another block of timeslots at that same time.
Naturally, no matter which Timeslot Availability mode you use if a teacher is booked for a time slot, they are then unavailable for all other timeslots at that time, as the teacher can only be in one place at time and cannot be double booked.