**Utilising the Timeslot Specific Teacher Availability option
By default, in PTO making a time slot Available or Unavailable for a Teacher makes the teacher Available or Unavailable at that time for all Timeslots they are linked to in your entire event.
This page outlines the use of PTO’s Timeslot Specific Teacher Availabilitry option.
Access to PTO’s Timeslot Specific Teacher Availibility mode has to be requested through the PTO Support Team via a support ticket.
Simply click this link to create a support ticket: pto@countrynetsoftware.atlassian.net
Timeslot Specific Teacher Availability
The Timeslot Specific Teacher Availability provides greater flexibility in the Teacher Availiability area of PTO.
As an example:
As shown here, in Timeslot Specific Teacher Availability Mode even though teacher Jan Smith is marked as Unavailable between 6:00pm & 8:00pm in these 20 minute timeslots, she can be marked Available in these seperate 5 minute Timeslots occurring on the same day, at the same time.
Default Availability Mode
Marking 6:00pm - 8:00pm as unavailable one block of timeslots makes to teacher unavailable at that time for all timeslots they are linked to.
Timeslot Specific Availability Mode
Marking 6:00pm - 8:00pm as unavailable in one block of timeslots does not make to teacher unavailable at that time for all timeslots they are linked to.
Please feel free to contact Support on 02 4304 3000 to discuss the suitability of this Teacher Availability option for your event/s.