**Add a Parent and Link to a Student

**Add a Parent and Link to a Student

To add a new parent in PTO, you need to create a profile for them, then link them to the appropriate students.

This page is about how to create the profile for a parent and how to link them to a student.


Go to Data > View and edit data

How to create a parent profile


1. Select the ‘Parent/Student’ radio button near the top of the page (if not already selected)

2. Search for the parent’s surname to make sure they don’t already have a profile (if the parent already has a profile, go straight to ‘How to link a parent to a student’ below).

3. Select ‘Add new’ on the Parents side of the page

4. Complete the details of the parent

a. You must enter the first name and surname.

b. We recommend you enter the email address.

c. Only complete the remaining fields if they are completed for other parents.

5. Save by clicking the Save Icon

How to link a parent’s profile to a student


  1. Click on the parent’s name on the left.

  2. Click the student’s name on the right.

    1. If the student’s name doesn’t exist in PTO already, see how to create them in Add a Student

  3. Click ‘Link selected parent and student’.


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