**Remove a Parent from PTO

**Remove a Parent from PTO

This page is about how to remove a parent - either altogether, or the association to a particular student.

Unlink a parent from a student: this will mean that the parent will not be able to see/book for a particular student

Delete a parent: this will delete the parent and any associated data, including their own details, links to any students, any bookings they had, RSVP information, contact requests etc.


Go to: Data > View and edit data

To unlink a parent from a student:


1. Click the ‘Parent/Student’ radio button near the top of the page (if not already selected)

2. Click the parent who needs to be unlinked in the left column

a. You can use the search box at the top of the column to filter down to their name.

3. Click ‘Show students of parent’ - this will display students linked to this parent, on the right

4. On the right, click the student to unlink from that parent

5. Click ‘Unlink selected student and parent’.

6. Confirm the change as directed on the page


How to delete a parent:


1. Click the ‘Parent/Student’ radio button near the top of the page (if not already selected)


2. Click the parent who needs to be unlinked in the left column

a. You can use the search box at the top of the column to filter down to their name.

3. Click ‘Delete Parent'.

4. Check the confirmation message that appears for further instructions.

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