How to Fix Duplicate Parents
Sometimes, the details of an email address, title, or code for a particular parent is different from one of their children to another.
Where the details for a parent are not identical, Booked creates a profile for each set of identical information in case they are different people with the same name.
This page is about how to fix multiple profiles created for a particular parent.
Common causes for this issue are:
A new profile was created for the parent in the school administration system, rather than linking to an existing profile.
The school administration system is incapable of linking more than one student profile to a parent profile.
Go to Data > View and edit data
How to fix duplicate parents:
1. Select the ‘Parent/Student’ radio button near the top of the page (if not already selected)
2. Use the search field to look for the duplicate parent’s name.
Only names matching the search criteria will be displayed.
3. Click the first parent’s name.
4. Click ‘Show students of parent’.
5. Keep note of the student/s linked to that parent profile.
6. Repeat points 3-5 above, for each profile that belongs to one person.
7. Choose one of the parent profiles to keep (the top one is usually easiest)
8. For the other parent profiles:
a. Click the other parent profile.
b. Click ‘Show students of parent’.
c. Click the displayed student name.
d. Click ‘Unlink selected parent and student’.
e. Click the parent profile you are keeping.
f. Click ‘Link selected parent and student’.
g. Confirm the link as directed on the screen.
h. Repeat points c. to g. for any additional students linked to the same parent.
These steps will unlink the students from other parent profiles, and link to the one you are keeping.
9. Repeat point 8 for any other parent profiles (i.e., if there are 3 or more)
10. Click the parent profile you are keeping.
11. Click ‘Edit parent’.
12. Update the parent profile to the most current information.
13. Select the Save icon to save the profile.
14. Click the first parent profile you are not keeping.
15. Click ‘Delete parent’.
16. Confirm on the screen as required, ensuring there are no linked students.
17. Repeat points 14 to 16 for each additional parent profile to be deleted.
18. Click the parent profile you have kept.
19. Click ‘Show students of parent’.
20. All students for the parent are now linked to the one profile.