This section explains the Settings available to assist manage the Form you create.
Go to the Settings screen within the Form
apply an Open Date for the Form (mandatory)
apply a Close Date for the Form
apply an Audience reminder for the Form (optional)
If the Form Creator sets a Reminder (optional) they will receive a reminder notification via the Action Required area of their Home Page, on the nominated reminder date, to provide them with a status up date on Responses to their Form
Any of the Forms Audience that have not submitted their responses by the Reminder Date will receive a reminder via the Action Required area of their Home Page on the nominated reminder date.
Labels can also be created added to Form to assist with management of your Forms.
Go to Audience tab
Add Single or MultipleAudience members to the Form
To remove an Audience Member, and their responses select the Action Icon on the applicable row
Completion of a Form by Proxy
Consider whether the Audience Member, or their Parent/Carer (if applicable) will complete the Form.
This functionality is normally utilised to gather Carer/Guardian responses for their children.
A Form for a student assigned to a Parent/Carer will only be present in the
students profile, via the Forms icon.
However any Actions Required items will be delivered to the Parent/Carer’s profile for actioning. Also refer to refer Notifications.
Go to Responses tab
select Summary or Individual response display
choose response display method (bar graph, pie chart, list)
Export information in Graphical or Tabulated format