Password Self-Reset

Password Self-Reset

For a password reset to be successful, the user requesting a new password must have a Communication Preference set for the Password Reset Communication Type and must have a Preferred Contact Method that matches the Communication Preference. 

To reset your Educonnex password

  1. On the Login Page, click Reset Password

  2. Enter your username and click Request Password

    You will receive a message indicating that your request was successful.

    An email or SMS will be sent to your nominated contact details which will contain a verification code as shown below.

  3. Enter the verification code into the field provided.
    You will then be able to reset your password by following the prompts on the screen


Once you have requested your verification code, at no point should your refresh the page or change browsers or tabs. If this occurs, you will need to restart this process by requesting a new verification code.

Verification codes expire after 10 minutes. If a code expires, a new code will need to be requested.

If your school wishes to have users retrieve their verification code by SMS please contact CountryNet Support for this feature to be turned on. Each SMS sent will be billable to the school as per the existing Communications Subscription.

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