Overview of Community Member Profile

Overview of Community Member Profile

When you are looking at any community member profile (Student, Staff, Parent, etc), you will have the option of a number of different buttons to the left of the screen. Access to these areas, and some sub-areas are determined by permissions set by the school's Educonnex user administrator.







Community Member Information

Contains the following information about all community members:

  • Profile

  • Personal 

  • Government 

  • Associations

  • Signature


Contact Details

Displays the contact details for the community member.

Relationships Information

Holds carer and relationship information. You have the option to click on the various carers and relatives to gain further information. This screen also displays emergency contacts, who the community member lives with and appropriate contact information.

Medical Information

Holds information under the following categories:

  • General – holds General Medical information under the following headings: General, Doctor, Dentist and Health

  • Conditions (Medical Conditions can be classed as an Alert to ensure visibility)

  • Immunisations

  • Medication Consent

  • Sick Bay Visits


Displays any data that has been entered as an alert for the community member.  These can cover any circumstance. For example, custody, AVOs, legal information. Whatever is entered in this section will be available on the community member's screen at all times – visible as an alert button in the top right corner. Access to the specific information is dependent on a users' permissions

Attendance Information

Contains all student attendance information including late arrivals and early departures, absences, day attendance, and class attendance.


Displays all notes that have been saved against the community member.  These notes are generic and will simply be listed in date order.  New notes can be also be entered here.

Staff Management

Contains staff government information and staff position information. 


Displays all certifications that have been recorded against a community member.

Student Details

Displays all student specific and class information.


Displays all permissions that have been granted or denied for a student as required by the school.  These permissions are set up in System Codes under the Administration Hamburger Menu item.

Other School Details

Allows you to add data to a student as to their movements from other schools or to other schools. Any entries will be listed and can be edited by clicking on them.  New ones can be added by clicking on the New Other School Detail button.


The Awards button displays the awards that have been achieved by the student.  An award can be allocated to a student by clicking on the New Award button. 


Displays the behaviour issues that have been logged against the student.  Each behaviour entry can be viewed and edited (depending on access rights) by clicking on the line. New behaviours can also be added and unnecessary behaviour entries deactivated.

Extra Curricular

Displays the activities that the student is involved in outside normal school curriculum.


Displays the calendar for the week for the community member.  It will include timetable items as well as any Calendar Events that the community member has been allocated. There are multiple view options located to the bottom of the screen. 

User Details

Displays the user information and assigned roles of the community member. 


Displays the finance arrangements for the community member.  These include categories of; Billing Family, Billing Responsibilities, Discounts, Payment Configurations, Transactions and Invoices.


Displays all files that have been uploaded. Files can also be uploaded by dragging and dropping your file or clicking on the Select File option.

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