

This area of Enrolled provides Administrators with functionality to assist manage Interviews.

Main Menu > Applications


Navigate to your Applications.

Select the Application you wish to create an Interview record for.

Please note Interviews can only be created for Applications prior to them reaching Offer Made status.







Select the Actions button, and then Interview.








This will display the Interview Record screen.

  • assign a staff member to conduct the interview

  • set the interview date, time, & duration


Interview Notes can only be entered after the Interview has taken place.









If existing Interview Records for the Application existing they will be displayed.








The Interview details will now display in the staff member's Interview List

Interview note status icons are also displayed where appropriate.




Past Interview Records can be accessed by selecting the Interview History button.
















Cancelling, Editing, or Rescheduled Interviews


Select the Interview Record by you wish to edit, via the Application.

Select the edit button:

  • to reschedule update the date & time

  • to cancel record a note in the Interview Record save the changes, and create a New Interview










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