Setting up for a new cohort intake

Setting up for a new cohort intake

This page provides information on how set up for a new enrolment intake cohort by adding an additional Academic Year.

Administration > System Settings > Academic Years

Step 1.

To add an additional Academic Year if it does not already exist.

Select + Add Academic Year and enter the four-digit year required (e.g. 2027).



Step 2.

  • select the correct Intake Year

  • select Edit image-20240527-045746.png

  • record the Academic Year start date & end date

  • record the Year Level intake limit if applicable

  • select Save image-20240527-045934.png

  • complete the same process for all Academic Levels




Deactivating an entry will not delete it rather it will retain the entry as a Deactivated record that can, if needed, be Reactivated in the future.


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