Setting Up a New Year Level
This page will talk about how where to begin with setting up. It is a walk through 'Checklist', which is the backbone of the process for each of the Year Levels.
If you need more specific information on any of the areas, they're listed as separate subsections after this one.
What's the Checklist all about?
The Checklist is a guide of the different aspects involved in setting up for the event, through to pulling out the data at the end to feed into your timetabling software. The items are in the order that you should work through them, but you can always go back to make updates if you need to. As you think you've done everything you need to for a particular area, click the checkbox so that it ticked (don't worry if you need to untick something, this is just so that you know where you were up to).
How to begin
Each Year Level is treated as a standalone in SSO, so that you can easily work on one at a time. As the cycle for a Year Level is completed, you can archive the data specific to that cohort, but keep the rest in place. This means you won't need to set up from scratch again (unless you delete it), and it will only require minor tweaks and the new cohort's data in due course.
To get started, click the green Add New button, enter the Year Level (just the number/s), then click Save. Remember that you should use the year level the students are going into (not the one they are currently in).
Once you've created the new Year Level, the checklist items for that year level will appear on the right. The blue arrow on the left shows which year level the options on the right belong to. This data contained in each of the options on the right is specific to the Year Level selected, so make sure that you have the desired one selected.
Specific information about the options on the right of the image above can be found in the subsections of The Checklist.
Editing a Year Level
The information you enter into each of the areas on the right is live. if you need to make any changes, click into the area you want to change, and do what you need to. There are a few caveats to this:
If you need to edit the Year Level itself (for example, you called it Year 11, and you meant to set it up for students selecting for Year 12), click the cog at the top left of the Year Level on the left, choose Edit, enter the new number, and click Save.
The new number you enter cannot be a Year Level that is already in use.
Deleting a Year Level
You don't need to delete a Year Level to put new students in. In fact, we do not recommend using this, unless you have just been testing SSO for the first time and have never had any student selections made for the Year Level. If you've completed the selection cycle for a Year Level, and you're ready to start a new one, refer to the Archiving subsection in this help documentation - it will allow you keep the courses and selection process you have (still permitting any year-on-year changes), and will be ready for the next cohort's data to be uploaded.
Make sure you use the Archive option, not Delete, for the next cohort using a selection process. If you Delete the Year Level, you will have to start everything from scratch, and selections already in place will be lost and cannot be retrieved.
Keeping this in mind, if you still want to delete the Year Level and everything associated with it, go to the cog, choose Delete, and follow the prompts. You can re-add the same Year Level and start again.