In this page, we'll look at how to archive the data from one year level, and the things to consider when preparing for the next cohort to make selections.
Don't Delete, Archiving instead.
If you choose the Delete option on the cog next to the Year Level, you will delete everything associated with that Year Level.
This includes any archives you have. If you're completely sure that you want to delete the Year Level (current and archived information), you can proceed with deleting.
But please be careful - this information can't be retrieved once it's deleted, so choose wisely!
A quick guide to closing your selection process.
Watch this before you begin the archiving process:
When ready to archive, please ensure you read the full Help Documentation below, as this video is only intended as a brief guide with options for you to consider.
What archiving will do?
When an archive is created:
It will take a copy of everything in the Checklist for a Year Level.
It will move it into the Archive area, where items from the Checklist can be viewed, but not changed.
All data in the Checklist will be moved out of the active area, and the Appointments will be cleared for the Year Level.
As part of the process, a copy of the first two items in the Checklist, the Selection Matrix and Selection Process, will be retained in the active system for reuse in your coming process. This is so that you can make minor adjustments to the process you have in place and not have to start from the beginning again.
When to archive
There's no need to archive the data for a year level until you're ready to begin preparations for the next cohort to make their selections.
How to archive the data
In the Year Level you want to Archive, all checkboxes in the Checklist must be ticked.
This denotes that you've completed the process, and will enable the Archive Data button.
You'll then be asked to confirm that you want to proceed, as shown below.
Once you've confirmed, the data will be Archived in a few seconds.
You'll then be returned to the Checklist for the Year Level.
The first two checkboxes will be ticked (because a copy of these have been retained), and you're ready to get started with setting up for the next cohort.
What to do next
Once the archive has been completed, you need to work your way down the Checklist. Below are some of the things that you'll need to consider for each of the Checklist items.
Selection Matrix
The Selection Matrix is the table of courses and other selections that the students can choose.
Unless you've made a complete change to the courses you're offering for the Year Level, you'll generally only require minor tweaks (if any) to the Selection Matrix.
Have any of the following changed?
New courses
Costs for courses
Course codes
Course names
Course description
Prerequisite requirements
The staff member approving prerequisite override requests
The unit weighting for a course
If the answer is 'Yes' for these, you can make the changes in the Selection Matrix. Visit the help documentation for Selection Matrix for more information on this area.
Selection Process
Set yourself up with a test student/s, under the Students link in the Checklist.
Note that you might need to add Results (again, in the Checklist) for the test student you create, so that you can test pathways or choosing Selections with Pre-requisites.
Act As the test student in the Monitor tab (this is in the grey bar at the top of the page) and review the Process that Students will take.
If any of the following items have changed, you'll need to review and update the Selection Process: (There may be more depending on your circumstances, but these should be a good prompt)
On the Section level
This is the default level in the Navigation pane, when opening this page.
Modifications to Pathways (remembering that this could include university/non-university pathways, specialist/non specialist programs etc)
On the Instruction level
This is within a Section, accessible by clicking the dropdown arrow on the right of the appropriate Section name.
Text information that isn't something the Students can choose.
Specific date or year references (we recommend avoiding these because it means less work for you!).
Number of minimum and maximum choices a Student is required to make in a specific area.
How to handle a Selection where the Student doesn't have the required Pre-requisite/s (don't show, show it as unavailable to choose, allow override requests)
The Selections that students can choose from in a specific line or learning area (this is the most common change most schools make each year)
These live under the Instructions level and vary how the Instruction will behave.
Parent PIN requirement.
Whether Students can/should book Appointments.
Displaying previously studied courses and corresponding results.
On the Selection level
This is within an Instruction, accessible by clicking the dropdown arrow on the right of the appropriate Section name, then the dropdown arrow on the right of the appropriate Instruction name.
The order that Selection appear in
Mandatory courses
Combinations of Selections that are required or disallowed (particularly if you've introduced or taken out courses)
Capacity Limits and Rules that transverse the structure of the Selection Process
The number of Selections that will be accepted for a Selection (and whether or not Waitlist is permitted).
Minimum and maximum rules that don't align to a specific list of Selections.
Everything else
For the remaining items on the Checklist, these will be just the same as the year before.
Refer to the appropriate help documentation if you need to:
Students or for WA Government Schools only: Preparing Student Data for Easy Extracts