In this page, we'll look at setting the opening and closing times for student access, as well as how to give a cut-off extension for those who need a little longer.
When to set up student access times
Conceptually, you should make sure that you're happy that everything is ready to go, particularly for each earlier item in the Checklist:
Selection Matrix
You've checked the information associated to each Selection such as the code matches your timetabling software's requirements, cost, Pre-requisites, the HoLA in charge of it etc.Selection Process
You've thoroughly tested to make sure you always end up with the right number of Selections (especially when there are pathways) that are compliant with the curriculum, and that you a handful of test Students/Staff have tried to break your curriculum rules without success.Students
All Student data is correct, including any email addresses that have been uploaded and any PINs that you've set are working correctly.Results
You've checked you had the right number of rows of Result on the spreadsheet, the number of results in SSO matches the spreadsheet, and you've checked a handful of Students to make sure they have the same results as you have recorded them as achieving.Staff
There are no Fix tags in the Staff area of your Checklist, because everything has either been allocated to the right member of your team or has been marked as not requiring a member of Staff to be responsible for it.Tick/Flick
Students and Selections have been checked to make sure that the Results have correctly determined who can pick what, and that your HoLAs have had a look at their assigned Selections to make sure any Overrides to the results they may want to make before Students access the Selection Process.
You can set the open time whenever you want, but when you activate the Schedule, you'll be shown a warning that you will need to confirm that you accept:
How to set up student access times
Go to: Checklist > Year X > Schedule
Two things that you should consider when choosing a time:
If you set a time when the school is closed, any students experiencing issues logging in won't be able to contact anyone, which may lead to frustration and negative feedback.
Don't set times that are midnight - there's always confusion if it's the day before, or the day after. Setting it 5 min before or after midnight is recommended.
The time at the top right of the image is what is set as your school's local time. If this isn't correct, please contact the Educonnex Support Team immediately.
To Set or Change the scheduled opening date for Students, click the calendar icon on the left.
Date and Time
You'll see the warning message mentioned in the 'When to set up student access times' above. Click Accept and Proceed.
This will trigger 3 modal screens, one after the other.
In the first modal, choose the date. You can use the arrows to jump a month at a time by clicking the arrows or by scrolling. Click the date you want, then OK.
In the second modal, choose the hour. You can toggle between AM and PM at the top, then choose the hour on the clock face, then OK.
In the third modal, choose the minutes. Click the minutes on the clock face, then OK.
Status - Off/Set/On
If the Start Date and Time is in the future, the Status on the left will change to Set.
Once the time and date arrive, the Status will change to On.
If you've chosen a date in the past, the Status will immediately go to On.
Status - End Date
While it isn't mandatory to set an End Date for Student access, it's a good idea you include an End Date, so you know when you intend Student Selections to conclude, and when you intend to have information available to Extract.
To set and End Date, click the calendar on the right side. To set this up, follow the same process as you did for setting up the Start Time.
At the end of selections
Once the End Date and Time have lapsed, Students will no longer be able to make changes to their Selections.
If View Only is ticked, Students will be able to log in and view what is already selected and print reports but won't be able to change anything.
Importantly, if you have a payment gateway set up in SSO, this will still work, meaning that you can still collect payments even after the selection process has closed.
If View Only is not ticked, Students won't be able to log in at all. We recommend use of View Only functionality to limit unnecessary enquiries to your staff for Selection and Payment information from Students and Parents.
Giving students more time
For various reasons, some Students may require longer to complete their Selection process.
You can grant individual Students a later End Date compared to the rest of the cohort. This is also done in the Schedule page.
Click the Time Extension button to begin the process.
You now be able to use the Time Extension functionality.
In the 'Select Students' field, choose the Student/s who will have the same extended End Date.
A dropdown will appear when you click on the field - you can either scroll and select, or type part of the name in.
Next, set the End Date and Time for these Students. Once you've done this, you can change the View Only status if required.
Changes are saved as you make them, so there's no Save button.
If you need to add another End Date and Time, click the Time Extension button, and follow the same process as above for the additional End Date and Time.