Copying the Structure of a Selection Process

Copying the Structure of a Selection Process

This page will talk about how to use the selection process structure of one year level to form another.

This will allow you to then make tweaks to the text shown to students from the original selection process, then insert the appropriate courses for the new selection process. 

What can this be used for?

This tool is great if you have a similar pattern from one selection process to another, but with different course offerings. For example, you might have a process like:

  1. Welcome

  2. Specialist Programs

    1. Are you continuing a specialist program?

    2. If yes, what is the specialist program?

  3. Semester 1 Choices

    1. Line 1

    2. Line 2

    3. Line 3

    4. Line 4

  4. Semester 2 Choices

    1. Line 1

    2. Line 2

    3. Line 3

    4. Line 4

  5. Further Information

    1. Who to contact for assistance.

    2. Book an appointment.

  6. What's Next

    1. Parent PIN

    2. Selection Report

    3. Payment Report

This is a pretty standard layout, particularly in Years 7-10. Rather than re-doing an almost identical process for each year level, you can copy the sections and instructions, and make adjustments as necessary.

If is important to remember that the courses (and any other selections like 'Yes' and 'No' that the student can choose or text responses) are not copied, primarily because it will be a whole different set of courses on offer, so you'll definitely need to go and put this in after the copy has been completed. 

How to copy a year level

In Checklist, click the green Add New button. In the modal that appears, enter the new Year Level (it can't already exist). Tick the Copy an existing year level, choose the one you want to copy from, then click Save.


  • designate the new process with a numeric identifier.

  • select Copy an existing year level.

  • select the desired existing year level to copy from the drop-down list.

  • choose whether copy the existing year level with or without the existing selections.


This will bring up another modal to remind you of some of the things that cannot be copied.

Things such as minimums, maximums, functions (like parent PIN and the option to book appointments), input method (checkbox, radio, dropdown) and anything not related to particular selections will be copied.

Things linked to selections, like group selections, automatic selection of one course to another, disallowed selection combinations, selections required to see a section, capacity limits, global rules etc. are not copied, but can be set up, once you've uploaded the appropriate course into the Selection Matrix for newly formed year level.


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