The first place to begin when setting up a selection process is to add a Section.
Go to Checklist > Selection Process > Add Section
A modal will appear when you click this button, asking you to give the Section a Report Name. This is basically a short version of what this Section should be called, that will appear on reports and navigation throughout the site. Report names are used so that you don't have loads of text where there should only be a word - more on adding text descriptions further down.
Once you've clicked Save, the new Section will appear in the Navigation pane on the left.
Any Sections, or Instructions you created appear in the Navigation pane.
The Text/Image work area within a Section is designed be used only to enter a heading applicable to the Section.
There are limited formatting options available in this area, as it should only be used for a heading, with the possibility to add an image, such as a banner and if needed a limited amount of text.
You can use exactly the same text as the Report Name, or use else. If you don't put anything in, SSO will show the Report Name to the students by default when they are making the selections.
It's good to put something in this area, as it will allow you to control the cosmetics of the text.
To keep everything looking uniform within your process we strongly recommend using the Format dropdown to choose a style for your text e.g. Heading or Heading 2.
Use the same format for other Sections so that everything looks neat and tidy.
Report Name will allow you to change what the section is called for reporting purposes.
Show on reports will determine whether selections made in this section appear on the students' selection reports. The default is 'Yes.'
Selections required to see this section is where you can set up if the Section should only be shown if a student has made an earlier Selection (so perfect for setting up pathways). To set one of these up, choose the triggering Selection from the dropdown, and click Add. If there's more than one trigger to see the Section, you can add multiples. Where there are multiples, any one of the Selections listed will be accepted. Where there is nothing, any student will see the Section.
Set number of selections based on the whole Section should rarely be used. It will check the number of selections for the Section as a whole. It's better to set this on instructions, as it will be more accurate in where it displays the marker for the student. This marker will appear for the student at the top of the Section, and there may be several Instructions within the Section (it'll also make it easier if you're trying to figure out what a student is missing).
Apply a selection weighting count for the whole Section should also be rarely used, for the same reason as above. it will count the weighting of the selections chosen in the section (this setting should only be used if you have assigned unit weightings for your selections).
Allow the same code to be selected more than once in this Section determines whether exactly the same course code can be selected more than once, within the Section. This is particularly handy when you have reserve choices within the same Section as the first choices. By default, this is set to 'No'.
This tab will allow you to change the order that the Sections are shown to the students. This option is only available where there are no Selections in place, so if you've started testing, take all of the Selections out before trying this. You can also delete the test students to achieve the same outcome, but you'll lose anything attached to them. Naturally, you shouldn't do this when real Selections are being made by students.
To change the order of Sections, click 'Re-Order', then arrows will appear on the left of the Sections in the Navigation pane. Drag and drop into the required location, then click Save on the right. This will take the Section, as well as any Instructions and Selections linked to it, and move it into the new location. As you drag the Section up and down among the other Sections, it will show a blue outline of where you can drop it in. Remember to click Save once you have it in the right location.
This can be used to delete a Section, as well as any attached Instructions. The Selections will remain in the Selection Matrix, and in any other locations that they appear in. You can't delete a Section, if there are any Selections that have already been chosen by students (even if they're just test students). Use this only if you definitely want to get rid of a Section, as it can't be reversed.