Selections are the end-point of the Section > Instruction > Selection chain. They are anything that a student can choose or, in the case of a text input, can enter.
Adding a Selection
Selections are linked to specific Instructions.
Expand out the Section, then the Instruction, and click the 'Add Selection' button.
Selections don't allow a Text/Image field like Sections and Instructions, because their content is pre-defined by what you have in the Selection Matrix or add as a One-Off or Text Input. If you click Add Selection, you'll be presented with 3 tabs:
Options available to add Selections
Add from Matrix
This option (the default) will allow you to add Selections that you have already uploaded in the Selection Matrix.
All you need to do is tick the checkboxes against the selections that you want to add to the Instruction and click one of the Add Selections button.
Once you've done this, the Selection/s will appear in the Navigation pane on the left. Depending on the offerings available at your school or college, this list may be quite extensive.
Make it easy for yourself when adding a list of Selections at the same time by, if possible, using the Search bar at the top right of the table to filter down to something that the courses that you're adding have in common, whether it's part of the Course Code, or the Course Name.
In the example below, we want to add the General courses. Typing 'GE' (because they all have this in the Course Code) will give us mostly what we want, but also a few that we don't. If we narrow the search to '(General)', we get all of the courses that have this in their name, and we can exclude anything that we know doesn't below in this list.
Add One-Off
There are non-course Selections that students will still need to choose - things like Yes/No questions, pathway choices, post-school plans etc.
These wouldn't be included as part of the courses that you uploaded in the Selection Matrix but are still necessary for the Selection Process to work.
The Add One-Off option allows you to add choice options like these. They still take the same basic form of your other courses in SSO, so you need to give them a Course Code (no spaces or commas), and a Course Name (this is what the students will see as an option for them to choose).
Once you click 'Add one-off selection' it will be added to your Selection Matrix along with your other course information. If you need to add the Selection in another part of the process, it will already be listed in your Selection Matrix now, so you would find it in Add from Matrix the next time you need to use it.
Add Text Input
This is where you can provide a freeform text field for a student to type a response.
The Course Code can be anything you feel is appropriate and is how you will search for responses in your data.
The Course Name is the 'placeholder' text that will appear in grey, until the student types their response into the field. Text inputs are handled to some degree like Selections in SSO, so when setting up things like minimums and maximums, text responses will be counted.
When adding a text input, it will also be added to your Selection Matrix data. If you need to use it again, it will appear in the Add from Matrix option, and will still be a text field.
Working with existing Selections
Clicking on an existing Selection in the Navigation pane will give you different tabs at the top.
The Settings tab relates to the specific instance of the Selection highlighted in blue in the Navigation pane. If the same Selection occurs elsewhere in the Selection Process, it has its own Settings that are separate.
Is selection mandatory will make a Selection appear to a student as pre-ticked with no option for them to remove it, if set at 'Yes'. This option isn't available if the Selection has a pre-requisite. If a Selection is mandatory and you're still setting up the Selection Process, it is best to change this setting once you know everything is in place (it will mean that you can't re-order anything if it is a Selection that all students will have).
Is Extra Response required when a Selection with this setting is selected by a student, they are also prompted to provide an additional free format text response.
If this selection is picked, automatically select is how co-requisites can be set up. In this option, it is set up one-way, meaning setting it up here will automatically choose the other Selection, but not necessarily the other way around. Remember to choose the correct path (Section > Instruction > Selection) where you have the same code more than once in your Selection Process.
If this selection is picked, don't allow selection of means that the Selection that you're working on, as well as anything you add to this setting, cannot be chosen together. Remember to choose the correct path (Section > Instruction > Selection) where you have the same code more than once in your Selection Process.
Grouped Selections are where you can set up a rule that choosing a selection will automatically choose all others in the group. If one of the Selections in the group isn't available, none of them will be.
This tab will allow you to change the order that the Selections appear within the Instruction.
This option is available even if students have already started their Selection Process.
However, Selections can only be moved within the same Instruction.
To change the order of Selections, click 'Re-Order', then arrows will appear on the left of the Selections in that Instruction, in the Navigation pane. Drag and drop into the required location, then click Save on the right.
As you drag the Selection up and down amongst the other Selections, it will show a blue outline of where you can drop it in.
Remember to click Save once you have it in the right location.
This functionality is named Remove, rather than delete, because it just removes the selection from specific location in the Selection Process.
The Selection itself will remain in place in your Selection Matrix for you to use later if needed, it will also leave any other instances that Selection in place in your Selection Process.
The good thing about Remove is that you can use it, even when students are selecting. This is particularly handy if you need to collapse a course and get students to choose something in its place. If no one has already chosen it, the Selection can be removed in two clicks.
If there are student selections present, you'll get the option at the end to notify students - it will email the students about the removal (providing you have uploaded their email addresses) and will also display as a warning when the students log back into SSO.
This tab displays how a Selection is connected throughout the Selection Process.
Automatic Selections tells you if this selection is chosen, what it will automatically choose at the same time.
Disallowed Selections shows you what won't be able to be selected with this Selection.
Sections triggered by this Selection shows any sections that will be visible as a result of choosing this selection.
Capacity limits shows if there are limits on the number of selections that will be accepted (check in Capacities for more information).
Grouped Selections shows any other selections that will select each other, that this one is a part of.