Setting up and Administering your Co-ordinator Team

Setting up and Administering your Co-ordinator Team

This page describes how to create profiles for your fellow SSO Co-ordinator team who can assist managing your processes. Please note: both the Main & standard Co-ordinator roles in SSO provide full system access in all year levels and should only be provided to those requiring this level of access.

We also recommend you review Roles Your Team Can Have.


Below is a hierarchical view of the three role levels within SSO.

Arrows indicate the ability to add, delete, and update users' records.


Adding a new Co-ordinator

  1. Go to Staff
    If your staff member already exists, select Edit.

  2. If the staff member doesn’t exist, select Add New.

  3. Input the team member details.

  4. Select the Allow Co-ordinator Access option.

    Selecting this option provides this team member with Co-ordinator access across your SSO service.

  5. Select Save

Maintaining your Team

  1. Go to Staff

  2. Your Main Co-ordinator will be displayed as shown at Item 1 and they have the ability add, delete, and edit other Co-ordinator's records.

  3. Any staff with standard Co-ordinator access will show as listed in Item 2 and while having Co-ordinator access within your system, they cannot add, delete, or edit other Co-ordinator records.

  4. Your standard staff members are listed as shown as Item 3. The records for these staff members can be added, deleted, or edited by any Main or standard Co-ordinator (1 or 2).


Deleting a Co-ordinator

  1. Go to Staff

  2. Select the member by ticking their entry. This will enable the Delete button for you to use.


 Any requests to assign or update Main Co-ordinator permissions need to be submitted to the Educonnex Support Team via a Support Ticket.
Create an SSO Support Ticket here.



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