Roles Your Team Can Have
This page will describe the staff roles in SSO, what permissions those roles have and how to assign them.
Introduction to the roles
This is the 'Access All Areas' role of SSO. As well as setting up other Co-ordinators, they can perform any actions in the site, including actions they may have from other staff roles they are assigned, as well as acting on behalf of a student. The roles below are essentially segments of the Co-Ordinator access that are relevant to the respective assigned roles.
Short for Head of Learning Area, this role is based around the courses. HoLAs can be assigned to individual courses (existing in the year levels Selection Matrix) via Checklist/Staff/HoLAs, and can complete the following for courses assigned to them:
Are able to proactively override students' ability to choose a course before students have access to SSO.
Will receive emails when students request the ability to make a selection they don't have the required prerequisites for (an override request).
Are able to reactively override prerequisite eligibility for courses they are responsible for, when a request is received from a student, to allow or deny the selection to be made.
Can mark a course as recommended for a student.
Can extract a list of students who have chosen the courses that they (the HoLA) is responsible for.
Course Counsellor
The Course Counsellor is a student-centric role designed to assist the student with making the selections that are most appropriate. Course Counsellors are assigned to individual students in Checklist/Staff/Course Counsellors, and can complete the following for students assigned to them:
Mark a course as recommended.
View a students ability to be able to choose a course.
View the minimum compliance requirements of each selection.
View the exact selections that the student has made.
Make selections on behalf of their assigned students.
Extract a list of the selections made by their assigned students.
Add and delete time slots enabling students to book appointments with their assigned Course Counsellors.
Home Teacher
The Home Teacher role is student-centric, and is geared towards making sure students can get assistance from a staff member and don't have any obstacles to using SSO. Home Groups are added in the student upload, and Home Teachers are assigned to those groups in Checklist/Staff/Home Teachers, where they can then complete the following for students assigned to them:
Set/Reset passwords and email addresses for students assigned to them.
View whether the student has made the minimum required selections (without seeing what has been selected).
How to set up roles
Firstly, you need to make sure that you have created staff profile for all staff members who will need access to SSO.
This is done by clicking Staff in the grey bar at the top of the page.
We recommend using your staff members email address as their StaffCode as you will use this reference to match everything up.
Some schools will have specific staff assigned to designated students or courses.
Roles can be assigned in one of two ways.
1. Data Spreadsheet Uploads
Complete the spreadsheets using the same code as was used in the StaffCode column, when creating your SSO staff profiles.
Populate HomeTeacher (with the relevant staff members code) and add an associated Home Group name, and Counsellor columns for within your student data, and HOLACode column for your courses in your Selection Matrix data spreadsheet.
2. Manual assignment
You can also add and modify assigned roles in the Staff option of the Checklist.
This page can also be used to shift around roles that have changed to different staff members after you've uploaded your data, particularly for the HoLAs of a course when a new cohort is going through an existing selection process.
Whole Year Level Access
This is where you set up SSO to allow certain staff to have access to all students in the cohort.
How to set up Whole Year Level Access
Continue through the Checklist for a Year Level as normal. When you get to the ‘Staff' in the Checklist, go to the bottom of the page and click Whole Year Level Access, then a table will appear on the following page.
To apply this role to a staff member, click the appropriate checkbox, next to their name under the HoLA column) and it's done - they will now be able to perform the role you've given them for any student (Course Counsellor or Home Teacher) or Course (if they're a HoLA) in that Year Level.
If you're wondering where emails about things like prerequisite override requests go to, they are set up to go to the assigned HoLA for the selection.
If you don't have an assigned HoLA for a selection because you're sharing it out to a panel of people, it’s still a good idea for one staff member to be set up as the assigned HoLA - that way you know that one person is at least getting any override request notifications, so that they can make sure students get responses.
If you don't want this, no problem - leaving the HoLA field blank for a selection will mean that no email will be sent, and you'll just need to have one person periodically checking and responding to any requests directly through SSO.
Combinations of Roles
SSO is completely fine with having multiple roles for the same staff member.
For example:
A Co-Ordinator might also be the HoLA for English courses in Year 11;
Another staff member might be a Course Counsellor for some students in Year 10, and Home Teacher for other students in the same year level; or
A staff member might be a HoLA for Year 7, a Course Counsellor for Year 11, and a Home Teacher for Year 12; or
You might have assigned Course Counsellors, as well as Whole Year Level Access Course Counsellors.
All of these situations are fine. The appropriate level of access will be granted, based on what you've set up.