Whole Year Level Access for Staff Roles

Whole Year Level Access for Staff Roles

In this page, we'll look at giving access to a staff member to be a Home Teacher, Course Counsellor, and/or HoLA for a Whole Year Level.

A quick refresher on the staff roles






Can access all areas and perform all functions in SSO.

HoLA (Head of Learning Area)

Each Selection may have one HoLA assigned to it, and the HoLA is able to access all information linked to that Selection.

For the Selections assigned to them, a HoLA can:

  • see which Students have chosen that assigned Selection/s

  • receive email notifications when Students request a Pre-requisite override 

  • approve or decline Pre-requisite override requests made by Students

  • recommend a Course to a Student

  • extract a report of Students who have chosen any of the HoLA's assigned Selections

Course Counsellor

Each Student may have one Course Counsellor assigned to them, and that Course Counsellor can access selection data for their assigned Students.

For the Students assigned to them, a Course Counsellor can:

  • view, but not change, Pre-requisite eligibility

  • recommend a Course to a Student

  • 'Monitor' Student compliance with Selection requirements

  • 'Act As' a Student and make Selections on their behalf

  • create their own, and delete their own unbooked, time slots for Appointments

Home Teacher

Each Student may have one Home Teacher assigned to them, who can assist with login issues from Students, or assist Parents with PIN verification.

For the Students assigned to them, a Home Teacher can:

  • change the PIN for a Student or Parent

  • 'Monitor' Student compliance, and progress with the Selection requirements (but cannot see specific choices made).

Mixed Roles

Staff can have different roles in the same Year Level, such as being a HoLA for English and History, and also be the Home Teacher for students in their Role Call class.
Staff can also have multiple roles across Year Levels, for example, a Course Counsellor for Year 8, a Home Teacher in Year 9, and a HoLA for Year 11 selections.
A Co-ordinator can also have other roles, but they will still have full access across SSO.

What Whole Year Level Access Allows

Normally, each student can have one Course Counsellor and one Home Teacher, and each selection can have one HoLA assigned. This works really well if everyone is sticking to their specific assignments. If your school doesn't work with these one-to-one relationships, Whole Year Level Access will let you give broad access to specific members of your team. This will allow a staff member to be a Home Teacher or Course Counsellor for all students in the Year Level, or a HoLA for all selections in a Year Level. You can even make a staff member have blends of the one-to-one roles and a Whole Year Level role, or even multiple Whole Year Level Roles. Pretty neat, right?

In being allocated a Whole Year Level Access role, the staff member will have the ability to do anything that the role would normally entail, for all students/selections as applicable for that Year Level. The one notable exception is notifications of students who have requested prerequisite overrides. SSO will email the HoLA of a Selection, when a student has requested an override. If there is no assigned HoLA for the Selection, the email won't be sent. The request will still be in SSO, but it will need to be checked manually in the Tick/Flick area of the Checklist. If you're not using the regular one-to-one HoLAs, the best thing to do is to assign it to a staff member, so that the emails can go to someone who can make sure the requests are actioned. 

How to Set Up Whole Year Level Access for a Staff Member

To begin with, make sure that the Staff member has a profile in Staff tab in the dark grey bar at the top of the page.

This is the centralised part of SSO where all Staff need to be, so they can be allocated to each of their respective Roles across the different Year Levels

Within each Year Level’s Checklist there is a Staff section. In this area, you can allocate, reassign, or mark a Student/Selection as not requiring an attached Staff member.

The bottom of this area is where Whole Year Level Access is controlled for each Year Level.

Click Whole Year Level Access, and all Staff in SSO will appear as a table.

To give a Staff member access to a Whole Year Level Role for the Year Level you are in, just tick the appropriate box, and they will have access.

Naturally, you remove it by unticking the box.

When you're finished making the changes, click an item in the breadcrumbs (this is Checklist > Staff > Whole Year Level Access in the example below) to go to a different part of the site - you don't need to save your changes. 






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