Creating Staff Profiles

Creating Staff Profiles

This page will tell you about how to create profiles for your team, so that they can take on roles in the subject selection process.

Ideally, you should create these profiles first, so that you can upload data in bulk. SSO will then know who should be responsible for what and give them the appropriate access.


Where to create the profiles

Go to: the grey bar at the top of the page.


What to prepare 

The easiest way is to put everyone into a spreadsheet.

Don't worry about who will be doing what, this is done later on.

If you have existing staff profiles in place you don't need to add them again.

Your spreadsheet should contain the following column headings:

  • StaffCode - we strongly recommend using the staff members email address.

  • StaffName - the first and last name (in the one field) of the staff member.

  • StaffEmail - again, the specific staff member's email address.

  • StaffPIN - (Optional)There's no need to fill anything in, unless you want to allocate a specific PIN. Staff can set up their own PIN, even if you leave this column blank.

Loading your data

Once you have the spreadsheet prepared, save it, then drag and drop it into the appropriate area.

Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to upload the file.

If the file has been correctly read, a watermarked tick will appear (you can probably workout what a cross means):








If you see a red error message.

Read the text, then look for fields that are outlined in red. Click 'Edit' and update the information and save it (remembering that there may be more than one field that needs correction).

If you've uploaded more than 10 profiles, you can scroll through them at the bottom right of the screen (marked in orange in the example below).

Once you've made the required corrections, the error message will disappear.


Finalising the saving of your staff data

Don't stop here, because you haven't quite finished.

You then need to choose if you want to add data to what you already have in place, or to replace what you already have, then click Save.


If you choose the Purge option, it will wipe any data in SSO that is associated with the existing staff profiles, so choose wisely.

If in doubt, please contact Educonnex Support for advice.






Once you've clicked 'Save Data', SSO will process the information.

Once it has been completed, you'll notice the new profiles you've created will now appear in the Existing Staff table, at the bottom of the page.







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