Co-ordinator Orientation

Co-ordinator Orientation

This page provides information to assist you navigate around your SSO service.

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Navigation Bar

The Navigation Bar within SSO in comprised of five distinct areas:

  1. Access

  2. Checklist

  3. Staff

  4. Monitor

  5. Appointment

  6. Settings

A detailed description of each is outlined below.


This area contains a snapshot of who can access the system at any given time.


Students (tab)

This is the default you will see when clicking Access.

 - Students are not able to log in and make selections, and there is currently no time and date set for this to be available (please see notes below for View Only*).

 - A future date and time for students to be able to log in and make selections has been set and will automatically activate in due course.

 - Students are currently able to log in and make selections.
View Only ticked in the far-right column means that irrespective of the any of the above, students are able to log in and view only, without the ability to change anything. This will automatically activate once the End date and time is reached, so that students can still see what was selected, without being able to change anything.
While it is possible to make changes to the student access dates and times from this page, there is a dedicated place for this in Checklist, where it fits more naturally into the process. Essentially, this page is designed so that if you wake up at 3am in a cold sweat, wondering if you remembered to set up access for students, that you can quickly open this, and see in a snapshot, who is currently able to get into SSO.





Staff (tab)

Staff members with this role type set to ON will be able to login and access SSO.

Staff members with a role set OFF will not be able to access SSO.


This is the main area of the site that you will use. As the name implies, it's a list for you to work your way through from start to end for each Year Level. Follow your way down the list for each Year Level, and tick off each item as you have finished your work on it.

There is a lot of content for this area, and as such, there is a whole section of Help Documentation dedicated to it.

Please go to The Checklist section of these help documents, to get all of the information. 




Main Co-ordinators

This area contains all of the staff that are currently registered to use SSO, and gives you the option to add new staff members.

Your schools nominated Main Co-ordinator who in addition to having full access to all parts of SSO, can also administer your co-ordinator team (add/remove, etc.).

Main Co-ordinators profiles have a blue box with 'Info' at the end of the row.




Co-ordinators have full access to all parts of SSO.


Co-ordinator profiles have a green ‘Edit’ and ‘Blue’ box at the end of the row.




Regular Staff Members

All other staff members have green buttons at the end of the row, which allow you to send out login details, or edit the details in their profile:

You can directly administer these profiles yourself.

A profile needs to be created in this area, in order for the staff member to be assigned roles in SSO. 






This area is where you can see how far students have progressed through their selection process.

The ‘Search student’ dropdown will allow you to search for a student, either by entering part of their name or student code.







The ‘Show students linked to’ dropdown on the right will allow you to see a single year level, or students linked to a particular staff member (below).










By clicking the red text below the right dropdown, you can see tallies relevant to the context you've got selected for the Year Level, or for the staff member's responsibilities as either a Course Counsellor, or Home Teacher.  More information on this can be found in Student Tallies.






Student Progress

The table in the middle of the page shows how students are progressing. Each of the sections in the selection process are represented by a number on the far right, and any over-arching rules you set up are marked as either completed or not completed, in the Global Rules column.

The Key at the top of the Monitor page explains what each of the indicators mean. 





This screen will display differently, depending on whether you have appointments available for specific Course Counsellors assigned to each student, or if the students are booking a time where they will see any one of a panel of Course Counsellors.


This setting can be changed in the Settings area of SSO provided no time slots in place.

Assigned Course Counsellors
This option will display each time slot available for each Course Counsellor. If the time slot has been booked, the student's name will appear in the far-right column.






Unassigned Course Counsellors
This option will display each time slot grouped with a grey bar at the top. This bar displays the characteristics in the grey bar, and as students book, their names will appear in the far-right column, under the appropriate grey bar.

Make sure that you read the Appointments help documentation before setting this function up.








 These are universal settings for all year levels using SSO:

  • Messages that will be displayed on login page, or at the top of the students' selection process.

  • What you want to call Username and Password on the login page.

  • The logo or banner that will appear throughout the website in the designated spaces.

  • Whether to display course codes in the student selection process.

  • Whether to use icons or text for course costs and unit weightings.

  • If students should be able to move freely throughout the selection process without restriction.

  • If appointments will be made with the specific Course Counsellor linked to each student, or if there are a number of spaces they can book where they can see anyone who is available.

  • The headers and footers for the Selection Report students can download (there is a subsection in the help documentation which is dedicated to this).

  • A place where you can upload an image (which will actually be text) that has 'How to pay' details. this will appear at the bottom of the Payment Report that students can download (if you don't have a payment gateway linked in SSO).


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