Student Tallies

Student Tallies

In this page, we'll look at the basic statistics that SSO can supply to allow you to track the meeting of requirements for completed selections.


Where is it?

To view Student Tallies, go to the Monitor page, accessible by Staff that have a Co-ordinator, Course Counsellor, or Home Teacher role in SSO.

On the right side of the page, there's red text. The text will vary, depending on the role of the Staff member, and context of what is being displayed. Sounds cryptic, right? Don't worry, more information on this is below.

How does it work? 

SSO will calculate the Tallies, based on what is being displayed and what has been selected in the ‘Show students linked to...' drop down.

By default, a Staff member will see all of the Students assigned to them.

If a Staff member only has one Role for one Year Level, then this drop down won't appear, but the red text will still be displayed.

Co-ordinators have ‘access all areas’ permission and can therefore choose either a specific Year Level, or a Student/s linked to a specific Staff member (Year Levels appear first in the drop-down list - scroll down for Staff).

Course Counsellors and Home Teachers will be able to choose between Year Levels, if they have these Roles in more than one Year Level.

The numbers and percentages that you see will be based on the parameters you’ve set. If you haven't chosen anything, SSO will display numbers and percentages related everyone you have access to. 



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