Forcing Continuation of a Previously Studied Course
While SSO is all about students making choices about what they want to do, it is possible to remove other options. This is most often requested for specialist programs.
In this page, we'll look at how to set it up so that the student will only be presented with the option to continue with an existing special program.
Data Preparation
Selection Matrix
Upload the specialist programs as normal, along with all of your other courses. Make sure that it has the code required by your timetabling software.
In addition to the actual Selections, you need to also create additional entries that have a different Course Code to real one/s your timetabling software requires.
To create this extra code, click
Fill in the fields in a similar way to the example shown, noting that:
The cost has been put against the code that we've created for Students choosing that they are continuing the program, rather than each semester (because the latter would mean evenly dividing the cost up)
The same code has been used for the CourseCode and the PreReqFormula (this isn't mandatory, but does make it easier)
Once you've saved this, comparing the Course Code/s required for the timetabling software and the row for students choosing they are continuing their specialist program, should look something like this (the first image is the timetabling course code):
Repeat the process for your other specialist programs.
You'll also need to create one row for students who are not continuing a specialist program.
This also needs to have a PreReqFormula.
Upload your students as normal.
You can upload required Results for Selections that have a Pre-requisite but aren't part of the Selections you want to force Students to continue with.
In addition to this, you'll also need to upload a form of Results for Students, which will determine a choice that they'll need to make when it comes to these specialist courses.
Every Student must have one of these results - even the students that weren't part of a specialist Selection that you require them to continue. These Results require only two of the possible three columns for Results. StudentCode and PreReqCode need to be populated. PreReqResult should be left blank.
Here's an example of how the data might look. The order of the rows doesn't matter.
Setting Up the Selection Process
Set up your Selection Process as normal. For most schools that require the continuation of specialist programs, this usually consists of a Section in your Welcome/Introduction, a Section for Semester 1 courses, with an Instruction for each line, a Section for Semester 2 courses, with an Instruction for each line, then a Section for What's Next, including Selection Report Instructions and Payment Terms.
To facilitate the continuation of specialist programs, an Instruction needs be linked to the Welcome Section.
For this new Instruction, configure the Settings page as set out in the sample below:
The Radio Button selection method will only allow a maximum of 1 choice to be made (complimenting the minimum 1), meaning that the Student must choose something in the list, even if it is the non-specialist choice.
The last option in the diagram above will mean that the other specialist options they aren't eligible for will be visible, but not selectable. You can change this to suit your own purposes if the outcome isn't suitable for you.
Next, you want to add the Selections the Students will choose, to indicate they are continuing their specialist courses (or not).
The aim is to change the structure to this:
To set these Selections up, click the dropdown arrows in Navigation to expand out the Section and Instruction, choose Add Selection.
On the right side, choose 'Add One-Off', then in 'Course Code' give it a code (different to the real course code), and enter the text students should see for each choice under 'Course Name'.
Repeat this for each specialist and non-specialist courses.
The next thing you need to do is to group the right Selections together.
In the diagram below, the choice Students are making that says they're continuing, as well as the actual courses themselves should all be stuck together, so that selecting one will select all of the others.
Grouping Selections
To do this, go to one of the Selections that should be grouped together.
At the bottom of the Settings tab, click the Show button in Grouped Selections, then scroll down. You'll see a tree diagram.
Expand out the Sections and Instructions so that you can see the Selections you need to group together.
Remember that you'll need to add the one from the Specialist Program Instruction, as well as the Selections in their respective lines, which all below together.
Once you've ticked the checkboxes all of the Selections that should be Grouped, click Save.
Repeat this for each set of Grouped Selections. As you create these, SSO will assign a colour for each group, which is visible when you're setting up other groups.
Naturally, you can include one set of Selections in a single Group.
To add or remove a Selection to an existing Group, go to another member of the group and make the changes you need to. Remember to Save when you're done.
In this example there is no need to put the 'non-specialist' selections into any group.
If you've got the same Course Code being used more than once in the same Section (like 10NET on Lines 1 and 2 in the same semester in this image above), you'll need to turn off the default setting which prevents the same Selection code from being chosen more than once in the same Section.
If you've got other codes you want to prevent students from picking more than once, set this up as a Global Rule instead, that excludes the permitted duplicate codes.
Here's where to turn off the default setting for selecting the same code more than once.
How Things Will Work and Look
There are two things that make this process fly the way that you want:
The Grouped Selections you've set up mean that the Students can't choose any of the specialist courses in each of the lines, unless they have chosen, they are continuing it in the Specialist Programs Instruction at the top.
The PreReqFormula you set up near the very start for the Special Programs Instruction means that Students will only be able to choose the one you've given them the PreReqCode for.
When Students log in, they will now only be able to see the appropriate option for them.
The Students must pick a Selection in the Specialist Program Instruction in order to be compliant.
Variations on Specialist Program Instruction
Showing or hiding unavailable choices
Aside from the sample above, there are two other ways that you can show this Instruction.
Show all choices (available and unavailable) or hide unavailable choices.
To change these, go back into the Selection Process, choose the Instruction for Specialist Program, and click the Settings tab.
Selecting the Don't show the selection option will ‘hide’ and unavailable choices leaving only the choice/s that the Student has the required pre-requisite result for.
This view would look like this.
Rather than this.
Tip: If you forget to give a 'Result' to a Student, they won't see any options.
Allow Override Request for unavailable choices
This will allow Students to request for permission to be able to choose something that they don't have the required 'Result' for (and naturally, anything they have the required result for). If a member of staff grants approval, the Student will need to return to SSO after this and choose the Selection.
Tip: You will need to assign a staff member to each of the specialist programs choices, so that the emails from SSO advising of the request will go to someone. Alternatively, you'll need to periodically check for these requests in Tick/Flick.