Payments for Selections
Some schools will have fees for courses. In this page, we'll look at the ways that you can collect these fees - through a payment gateway within SSO, or at the bottom of the Payment Report.
Adding general information about payments you wish to display to everyone
You can display information as part of the selection process, which outlines the terms of payment that are specific to your school. Setting this up is done in the same way that you tell students about how many courses they need to choose - as an Instruction.
The content that you enter is completely your choice - enter whatever information that you feel is appropriate for your school.
Go to: Checklist > Year X > Selection Process
You should check this information’s appearance by Acting As a test Student accessed from the Monitor Page of SSO, so that you see what the students will see.
If you are collecting payments through SSO using BPoint, go to BPoint - Collecting Payments in SSO for further information.
If you're not collecting payment though SSO using BPoint go to Payments not made through SSO for further information.