Barcode Extract

Barcode Extract

This page will talk about special considerations to make in your data preparation if you are using SIS.

If you are a WA Government School that doesn't use SIS, the information in this page doesn't apply to you - carry on as normal using standard SSO procedures.

What exactly is different?

SSO will prepare Selection data as a spreadsheet, for uploading into timetabling software.

As SIS does not allow uploading of data, we've created an alternative that will allow you to efficiently load Student Selections into SIS, without having to key each one in manually. When it comes time to export your data, use the Barcode option, which will allow you to scan in the codes for each Student, using the barcode scanner we will supply to your school at no cost.

Using the right codes for Selections

Your Courses are loaded into the Selection Matrix area within SSO.

Our only guidance in this area is that you make sure that you use the correct CourseCodes. There are variations of the code such as AEENG and AEENG_5. You need to make sure that you use the code that can be manually keyed into SIS. Generally speaking, it is the code without the extension after it that is used (particularly for Years 11-12). For Years 7-10, there may be specific codes for Semester 1 and 2, as the content of the Course may be different. It is essential that you get this right from the very start, as corrections to this can either be very hard, or not possible. 

When in doubt, check with an experienced SSO Administrator at your school, or a fellow school, as to which CourseCode to enter as this is not something our SSO Support can generally assist with as we don’t use SIS.
Columns in your Student data spreadsheet

As a minimum, you'll need to have a spreadsheet that contains first and last names of the Student. Make sure these are on the left side if you want to follow the Instructions below.

If you have the email addresses of the Students, specific PINs for Parents and Students, and/or entries for HomeTeacher, HomeGroup, Counsellor, insert three blank columns between the names and these fields of information.


Don't worry about using the Student number or SCSA number in the Student data upload you put into SSO.

You can't scan these numbers into SIS. What we suggest is doing something easy for the Students to remember, because this is the code Students will need to enter as their SSO username when they log in.

The most common formats used by schools are either the Student’s school email, or firstname.lastname, for example, 'John.Smith'. This will be fine, unless you have more than one Student with the same name at the school. If you do, you may need to modify this, as each Student code needs to be unique.
Where you have a spreadsheet that has the first name of the first Student in A1, and the surname of the same Student in B1, you can merge these into one by entering the formula =A1&"."&B1 into the C1 cell.

Once you've pressed Enter (or Return), then you should see the correctly formatted name appear.
Double click on the bottom right of cell that had the formula (or drag it down), making sure that it applies the same formula right to the end of the data.

You should end up with a column with the correct formatting in column C.

Once you've completed this, click on the header of column C so that the whole column is highlighted, then Copy (either Ctrl+C or command+C), then choose Paste Values from the ribbon.

This removes the formula in the cells and replace it with the fixed value you require.


This should be the first and surname of the Student in one field.

If you have the information in two columns on your data, you can use a formula by typing =A1&" "&B1 in the D1 cell, where A1 is the first name of the first Student, B1 is the surname of the same Student, and D3 is where we are creating the data in the correct format. 
This follows the same process as Student code.

Once you've completed this, click on header of column D so that the whole column is highlighted, then Copy (either Ctrl+C or command+C), then choose Paste Values from the ribbon.

This removes the formula in the cells and replace it with the fixed value you require.


This one is really important for WA Government schools because it will make sure that the order of the extract that contains the Students' Selections at the end of the process matches up your Student records in SIS.

As SIS displays the Students' names by the order of their surname, this field is used to match that logic, and will make entering the Selections into SIS as quick as possible.

Again, this is very similar to the processes above. Where E1 is the first cell in the data where you are entering the information for this field, use the formula =B1&A1 to populate the cell.

Once you've completed this, click on the header of column E so that the whole column is highlighted, then Copy (either Ctrl+C or command+C), then choose Paste Values from the ribbon.

This removes the formula in the cells and replace it with the fixed value you require.


When using the Student emails, it is recommended that you use the Department-issued ones. Including an email address for Students is highly recommended, as there is a considerable amount of additional functionality available when a Student email is included, such as:

  • Student’s being able to set/reset own password.

  • Student’s being able to send themselves Selection/Payment reports, and receive Override Request responses, collapsed Courses notifications etc.)

Based on the feedback we have received from schools, the biggest thing that you need to consider with this is that you need to ensure all Students are able to access their Student.education.wa.edu.au email accounts.

If they don't access it frequently, it is best to make sure that they are given clear instructions on how to do so, otherwise there's a good chance that you'll either end up with a lot of Students lined up outside of your door, or a lot of Students that haven't logged in to make Selections

HomeTeacher, HomeGroup, and Counsellor

Refer Standard SSO instructions - Preparing Student Data


Refer Standard SSO instructions - Preparing Student Data


Refer Standard SSO instructions - Preparing Student Data

Preparing the Student data spreadsheet for upload

Once you've got all of the information ready as above, make sure the following things are in place so that your data will upload correctly:

  1. Delete the columns with the first and surnames by themselves. Just keep the one where the names are merged in the one cell together.

  2. As a minimum, you should have StudentCode, StudentName, ExternalCode, and either StudentPIN and/or StudentEmail.

  3. Insert a row at the very top of the spreadsheet. Use the column headings as outlined in SSO to identify each column of information.

  4. Make sure there are no gaps in the columns where there is no data. Every column should have a heading. 

  5. Column headings start in A1, and go all the way across to the end of the data you have.

  6. Your Student Data should start in A2, and match up correctly with the column headings.

  7. It doesn't matter what order your column headings are in.

  8. If you want to have other columns in your data (like parent names and email addresses so that you can mail merge PINs), this is ok, but remember that SSO will disregard these columns.

Your data could look a little like this, and it would be set up correctly.












Once the Selections have been completed

Go to: Checklist > Year Level X > Extract > Extracts > Barcode

By default, all Extracts will include all Selection data available. 

If you're wanting to only get the Selection information out for timetabling in SIS, you need to trim out anything that isn't a Course Code in SIS.

This is done using Inclusions and Exclusions.

Let's say that we need to end up with 6 Course Codes for each student, given that this example is modelled on a Year 11 Selection process.

If you only want Selections in the Sections called ATAR Pathway, General Pathway, and Industry Links Pathway, you'd choose 'Include' in Section, and select all of them.

At this stage, you don't need the 'Reserve Selections' from the Industry Links Pathway, so you'd choose 'Exclude' and select Industry Links Pathway > Reserve Selections.

There's also a Career Goals text field, and that doesn't need to (and won't) go into SIS, so you'd choose 'Exclude' and choose the code you gave it - CareerGoals.


Once you've put in place your required Inclusions and Exclusions, you choose your Barcode setting, and on the right of the page, we recommend you choose External Code as your Extract sort order:

This will generate the Barcode Extract in A-Z surname order, if you've followed the Instructions above for preparing the Student Data.

When you're scrolling through the resulting Barcodes, there are 2 things that you should be looking for:

  1. The correct number of Selections are present for each Student (in most cases, Students should have the same number of selections)

  2. The Course Codes underneath each Barcode are Course Codes that will be accepted by SIS.



Once you've checked the Barcodes are correct in the preview area (including that all of your Students have External Codes), you can export using the Print button.

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