Displaying Results

Displaying Results


What does it do?

When students log in to SSO you can make it so that they will be able to see a list of the Courses they have previously studied, and a result for those Courses. Each Student sees only their own Courses and Results and cannot see data from other Students
Here is an example of how a Student would see their Results on screen as part of the Selection Process.

Data Preparation 

On the right is an example of how your upload data should be set out. You'll need to extract your data with the result information from the system that holds your Student academic Results. The layout of the data should have 4 columns (mandatory fields are in bold):

  • StudentCode
    The StudentCode you have used for the Student in SSO. Note do not use the ExternalCode as the StudentCode unless they are identical.

  • PreReqCode 
    The code for the Course. This should be consistent throughout your data where it is the same course. 
    *See Important Information at the end of this section if you are utilising two or more different sets of data (like Semester 1 and Semester 2 results).

  • PreReqResult
    The Result you want to appear for the student (up to 4 characters, but usually B, C+, or 75 or similar format)

  • PreReqName
    The name Students will see for the Course. This should be consistently applied throughout the data, relative to the course code.

Each row of data should represent one student/course combination.


Things that are ok:

  • The same StudentCode used on multiple rows (normal).

  • No PreReqResult (it is ok to show no Result, like in the first two rows in the screen shot above, which simply means they attended the course).

  • Using the PreReqName for different PreReqCode fields (for example, PreReqCode 10ENG1 and 10ENG2 could both have PreReqName English).

Things that are not ok:

  • A PreReqCode with different PreReqName values from one row to another (for example, you can't have PreReqCode 10MAT with PreReqName Maths on some rows, and PreReqName Mathematics on other rows).

  • Uploading Display Results data before uploading Student Data.

  • Using a StudentCode that doesn't match what you uploaded in the StudentCode column in the Student area of the Checklist.


 It is important to remember that as these are Display Results, they are only to show Students a summary of what mark/grade they have achieved for Courses in the past.

If you also want these Results to determine what Students can or cannot select, you need to upload the information separately in the Results page of the Checklist. You can use the same data as you use here, to determine Pre-requisite eligibility. For more information on this, refer to the subsection in our Help Documentation regarding Results. 


* Important Information if you intend to use two or more Display Results Sections

SSO consolidates information relating to Display Results into one table in the background. This means that if you have something like a table for Semester 1 and another for Semester 2, uploading the second set of data in a new Instruction will overwrite where the same Course Codes are used in each set of data.
If the same Course Codes are to be used in your data, you can easily differentiate them, by just making the codes a little different. For example, English results for Semester 1 could be 10ENG1, and English results for Semester 2 could be 10ENG2.

You can apply this to all Selections, even if the codes are different from one semester to another. Remember that this function is only for displaying information, and won't need to go into your timetabling software, so the codes you use for the Display Results functionality can be anything if you are just using them to show Students what they have previously achieved.

Uploading the data into SSO

Before you start, make sure that your Selection Process build is finalised and set up exactly as you need it to be. As a Display Results Instruction is treated in the same way as Selections, you will not be able to change the order once you load this data as it is treated in the same matter as actual Student Selections

Display Results is considered a Function in SSO, so it needs to be set up as an Instruction in your Selection Process.

Go to: Selection Process, then:

  1. Use the dropdown arrows to expand the Section you want the Results to appear in.

  2. Create an Instruction with the appropriate name.

  3. Click the new Instruction.

  4. Click Settings at the top of the page.

  5. In the Function dropdown, choose Display Results.

  6. Click Save.

This will create a Display Results format Instruction.




You've got a couple of different options in this screen which you can change to suit your needs:

You can allow Students to move their Results in Preference Order (this has broader applications not related to showing previous course achievements, so you would generally leave this Settings as default of No).

You can also allow Students to enter their own Results, in case you don't have the information yourself. We'll unpack functionality below shortly.

Loading Display Results Data

Drag and drop your Display Results file into the data upload box.


SSO will then process the information.


The system will only check if you have the Mandatory Column Headings and that the StudentCodes you're uploading match up with the Student Codes you already have recorded in SSO. Where there is no student profile in SSO already, a yellow warning will display temporarily in bottom left corner of the screen, SSO will then discard the associated information to give you the option of proceeding without it. 


If you see red messages, these are errors. Read the instructions on what you need to fix.

If you see yellow messages, these are warnings. You can still proceed, but something is going to be ignored. 

If you're uploading the data as a spreadsheet, you'll be prompted on how you want to handle any existing the data.

If you're adding data for the first time in this area, it doesn't matter which option you pick. 

If you're adding to data already loaded, choose the first option. 

If you want to get rid of what you already have loaded and replace it with a fresh set of information, choose the second option.

Once you've chosen your preferred option, click Save Data and follow the prompts.

When you've completed this, you will see the heading Existing Student Results is directly below the file drop location.

At this point, the process is completed, and the results are visible to the students.

Allowing Students to enter their own Results

If you don't have a record of the previous student results archived, and you're happy for them to enter their own Results, change the Setting in the Instruction to Allow students to enter their own results to Yes.

When you do this, an additional option to enter a minimum or maximum number of Display Results will appear.

This is not mandatory, but it can make Students enter a certain number of Results in order to be compliant with the overall requirements of the Instruction/Selection Process.

If you don't have the Courses that each Students has completed, or they don't need to see all Courses that are available to enter their Results, choose Dropdown as the Selection Method.

SSO uses all of the PreReqCode/PreReqName pairs to decide what should be available for Students to select, if you're allowing Students to enter their own Results. If the Course exists somewhere in your Display Results and you're letting Students enter their own information, they will be able to choose any Course that has been entered.

When you've chosen the applicable options for these, remember to Save

There are two scenarios which you could be in:

  1. You know some or all of the Courses previously completed for each Student: In this case, upload what you know they have studied. Your data sheet can include a PreReqResult for some Display Results and not others, or you have no data in the PreReqResult column.

    As you're allowing Students to make changes to everything, it is recommended that you set a minimum and maximum number of Results, so that Students don't under or over select with their access to all of the different Courses in your data. 

  2. You have no information about what Courses the Student has completed: In this case, you know the potential Courses that the Student could have studied. In this case, create a fake Student, then in Display Results, upload or manually enter each of the CourseCodes and names against your fake Student (you can leave the PreReqResult blank). As the Courses exist in the Display Result data (though not in any meaningful way), all of the other Students will be able to choose any of these Courses you've uploaded/created. Potentially the list of these could be quite hefty. If you miss a couple, don't worry. You can add them either as additional Results with the file drop (remember to choose the first option because you're adding to what you have) or click Add New and enter them one at a time.

    Just keep adding them to the fake Student that you created, so that they're available to everyone. 

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