Group Selections

Group Selections

In this page, we'll look at what Grouped Selections are, and how they differ to automatic selections.

Automatic Selections vs Group Selections

Some Selections will have a co-requisite relationship, for example, 'Selection A' may require 'Selection B' to be chosen.

'Selection B', however, may not require 'Selection A', and can be selected independently. 

In this situation, you should use Automatic Selection, which can be found in the Settings for each Selection.

There will be other situations where if either Selection of two is picked, the other one should also be selected.

These start from the most basic, where choosing 'Selection A' selects 'Selection B' and vice vera but can get considerably more complex in shape as well.

Setting up Group Selections

For any Selections where selecting one should select all, you should use Grouped Selections.

This functionality can be found at the bottom of a Selection's Setting.

If you click the 'Show' button, this will open Grouped Selections.

Choosing which Selections should automatically be selected when one of the Group is selected is set up like a tree diagram, similar to how Global Rules are displayed and set up.

Click the dropdown next to each Section and Instruction to expand it out to show the Selections that should automatically select each other, then click the appropriate checkbox.

The Selection that you're editing will already be automatically ticked.

Each Selection is basically its own Group Selection, awaiting others to be added in.


If the Group Selection automatically applies to a whole Section or Instruction, you can click the checkbox next to these as well, and all Selections contained within it at that time will be added.

In the example being used, if a student says they're continuing Netball into Year 10, we want to automatically select the Course Codes for Semester 1 and 2 to match this.

To do this, we expand out each Section and Instruction where the Netball instance is present and select the checkboxes, then Save.

Once you've saved, this will be visible within Grouped Selections, in any of the other Selection Settings.

You'll notice that there is a dash in the checkbox (as they can't be selected more than once), and they've changed colour.

These colours are to help you identify which group they are in. In the example below, a Student who chooses one of the yellow Selections will have the other yellow Selections chosen at the same time.

Picking one of the blue Selections would pick all other blue selection. The purple selections, and subsequent groups that are formed will follow the same pattern. 

Because choosing any Selection in a group will automatically select all others, you can't have the same Selection in more than one Group.

If you had two Groups like this, they actually belong in one bigger group.

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