Payments that aren't based on Selections
In this page, we'll look at the options for non-course fees that don't relate to specific choices that the students have made.
Fees you don’t want to collect via SSO
If your school collects fees but this is to be done externally from SSO, you can add the information in to the selection process without adding to the total cost for Selections.
To do this, create an Instruction in the Selection Process, and all you need to do is enter the information, then click Save.
In terms of formatting, remember that you can use the formatting options in the beige area to make this look a little more aesthetically pleasing.
For example, if you have a list of components, you may choose to use the basic table function available in SSO. If you have something more elaborate prepared outside of SSO (you've already prepared it for the handbook and can't be bothered doing it again), you can insert a screenshot of what you've already made.
For all intent and purposes, SSO will treat the information as just more text (or images) and will not calculate the costs in this area towards any of the totals you have for the chosen Selections.
Fees you do want to collect via SSO
Adding to the total cost of chosen courses.
You can set up non-course fees in much the same way as you do for course fees.
Go to Checklist > Year X > Selection Matrix
If you have multiple components, you can either have them as separate entries, or as one consolidated entry.
Other Optional Costs:
Student Planner: $15 per planner
Year Book: $20 per book
Voluntary Approved Requests:
Library: $20 per student
Bus Replacement: $10 per student
Student Facilities: $20 per student
P&C Association: $30 per family
Chaplaincy: $20 per student
Building Fund Contribution: $30 per student (tax deductible)
Set Up
Creating Selection
Go to: Checklist > Year Level > Selection Matrix
Click and enter:
a Course Code (it doesn't matter what this is)
a Course Name (this is what will appear as the name of the charge)
a Course Cost (just an amount without the currency symbol),
and if applicable, a Cost Description (which will preface the amount in the student page), then click.
For our list above, we could create a separate entry for each charge, or a consolidated row for each heading.
One entry for each charge
One entry for each heading
Creating a Section
Go to: Checklist > Year X > Selection Process
If you haven't already done so, create the Section and Instruction in the location you'd like these fees to appear.
Typically, this would go toward the end of the process, above the Parent PIN (if you use this functionality).
In the Instruction, go to Settings, and change the Selection method to Checkbox, then click Save.
Adding Selections
Click Add Selection, and in the search box, type part of the name or code you created for the first entry (keep them in the same order if you have put the details in the Instruction - this will make it logical).
Once you've found the first entry, click the checkbox, then
Repeat this for each entry as required.
One entry for each charge
One entry for each heading
Charges that you want added to the Total Payable for Selection Choices
For any charges that you want to automatically add to the total payable, click on the Selection, change to Yes for 'Is selection mandatory', then .
Repeat this for each Selection as required.
One entry for each charge
One entry for each heading
How to Test
Once you've set everything up, go and check it by going to Monitor, and Act As one of the students from the Year Level you've been working on.
Scroll to the area in the Selection Process where you have set up these costs.
Checkbox | What it means |
Selection is mandatory and can't be removed. The charge will be added to any totals, including BPoint or Payment Report. | |
Selection is optional and has been chosen by the user in the Selection Process. The user is able to withdraw from it if they choose. The charge will be added to any totals for BPoint or Payment Report. | |
Selection is optional and has now been chosen by the user in the Selection Process. The user is able to choose it if they want to. The charge will not be added to any totals, for BPoint or Payment Report. |