Notifications in Student Experience

Notifications in Student Experience

In this page, we'll look at what students will see in the notification icon.

The Message Notification Icon

The Notification Icon can be found at the top of the Student screen.

A red badge with a number count of new Notifications will appear on top of the regular message bell icon, until the student has clicked the icon to view the messages.

Splash Screen Messages

These Notifications appear temporarily when Students log in and they need to be aware of something.

Students can close these splash screen Notifications by selecting the cross within each notification, after which they will not appear automatically again.

However, Students can still view these notifications by selecting the Message Notification (bell) icon in the top right of their screen.

The message display is shown in the image.

Email Notifications

These Notifications are also emailed to Students, provided you have uploaded Student’s email addresses in their profiles.


Students are also notified, on screen if they are about to make a change to their Selection choices that will see them forfeit their position in a capacity limited subject, or if they change a Pathway that will lead them to lose current Selections.

What kind of things appear in the Notifications icon?

There are four different types of notifications that will appear:

  1. Appointment cancellations

    If a member of staff cancels a booking for a student, a notification will appear saying exactly that.

  2. Waitlist clearance and cancellation

    If a waitlist for a course comes through, or if a waitlist is cancelled, a notification will appear.

  3. Prerequisite override decisions

    Approved and declined requests, as well as any notes, will appear once a decision has been made by a member of staff about the request.

  4. Collapsed courses

    When a course is removed from SSO because it has been collapsed by the school, students who have chosen it will see a notification along with any messages that Staff enter for the students.






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