Before Selections Open
Once you've uploaded student results, it is crucial you review the selection process to ensure it is operating the way you need it to, meeting all your curriculum and operational requirements.
In this page, we'll look at how to check this information.
There should be some work that is done before students start logging in, unless you want Students to be able to select any Selection for the Year Level.
The Tick/Flick screen takes all of the information you've uploaded for Selections including any Pre-requisites, and compares them with the Students including Results you have uploaded for them.
These are merged into a table so that you can view and adjust what Students can choose.
There are two ways that you can view the data:
By Student which lets you search for one student to see which selections they can freely choose
By Selection which lets you search for one selection to see which students can freely choose it
Once you've selected one of these options, you can choose the Student or Selection you want to look at, in the Search field by typing part of the code or name.
Column Headers
For either option, you'll see a table similar to the one below:
Code: is the code of the Student/Selection (depending on your search)
Name: is the name of the Student/Selection (depending on your search)
Required: is the PreReqFormula for the Selection (they'll be green if the Student has met Pre-requisite requirement, and red if not)
Result: shows any Results that the Student have that match the PreReqFormula
Eligible: is whether the Student can choose the Selection, based purely on their uploaded Results
Override: is a manual switch that can be altered to change whether a Selection is available to the Student
Int Notes will be a populated with a speech bubble if any change has been made to the Override switch. Hover over these to see who made the last change, and any notes they have sent. These Internal Notes are not sent to the Student.
Recommend should be ticked for any Student/Selection combination where a Co-ordinator, HoLA, or Course Counsellor wants a recommendation star to appear for the Student for that Selection on the Student’s Selection screen.
Override Status
Means the Student is eligible to make this Selection based on their Results
Means the Student is ineligible to make this Selection based on their Results
Means that Student wasn't eligible based on their Results, and a Staff member has Overridden this to allow the student to choose this Selection, if they wish.
Means that the Student was eligible based on their Results, and that a Staff member has Overridden this to not allow the Student the choice of this Selection.
SSO will display the most recent entry in terms of what students can choose and what they can't. Each change to the Override switch (and associated information) is recorded in the Tick/Flick extract.