Preparing Results Data
This page will show how to set out your spreadsheet of results that are to be uploaded into SSO, to determine which students can choose Selections that have a pre-requisite.
Columns and Descriptions
Each row in your data represents one result for one student. The order of the rows doesn't matter, so if the results are grouped by the PreReqCode, that's also fine.
You only need three columns in your Result data:
These need to match up with what you've already used for 'StudentCode' data.
This is the code for the previous study or qualification, as used for 'PreReqFormula' in the Selection Matrix page. It should only be the code of the course previously studied. For example, selecting a Year 11 Maths course might require a result for Year 10 Maths. In this case, the PreReqCode value would be something like 10MAT (pick whatever code you'd like, as long as it matches up with the PreReqFormula). If there is a grade and a mark, these need to have a separate PreReqCode for each, even if it's just one letter (like 10MAT and 10MATE).
This is the result the student achieved in relation to the requirement set in the PreReqCode. The Result must be in the same scale as the utilised in the PreReqFormula. For example, the requirement for Year 11 Maths is a B or higher in Year 10 Maths, the PreReqResult should contain something on the A-E scale, and not 0-100 scale - mixing these up will mess up all of your results, even though it may not be immediately apparent. If you have a grade and a mark for the same course, they should be on separate rows against the respective PreReqCode. If the achievement for the PreReqCode isn't required in your PreReqFormula, this field can be left blank for the row.
Tips and Tricks
You can upload the data over several spreadsheets. While SSO can handle thousands of rows of result data at a time, don't do your head in by trying to do it all at once, unless you're really comfortable with it.
Don't use characters other than letters and numbers.
Codes are case-sensitive.
Be patient with SSO uploading information. If you have a lot of information, it could take a few minutes, as SSO sorts eligibility as the results are assimilated into the system.
Don't upload results after you've made changes in Tick/Flick - this could lead to you losing all of the changes made in Tick/Flick, and cause system errors.
Results don't just have to be academic achievement:
If you have gender-specific courses, you can use a PreReqFormula values such as MALE and FEMALE.
Where you want to assess each student for eligibility as they express interest, use a PreReqFormula in the Selection Matrix, and don't upload any results to go with it.
Displaying Results in the Selection Process
If you're intending to use the same data for Displaying Results, add an additional column called PreReqName which is populated with the course name, and hey presto, your spreadsheet for displaying the results to the students is ready to be added*. Make sure you filter out any rows that shouldn't be displayed to the students before using this data in Display Results.
*If you're uploading Semester 1 and Semester 2 results for the same course, Display Results will require separate PreReqCode values for each.